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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Sounds like that truck show would be a great place to have a Crock stand.
  2. Seriously. WTF. Any idiot that would understand that probably couldn't afford one in the first place cause it's unlikely they have a job
  3. Is it just me , or does that add make absolutely no sense?
  4. it never gets old
  5. IDK about Racho. He was at The Shaft when he passed away. He had a pretty nice B Model tractor.
  6. That's the high efficincy of all the government regulatory aggencies. You know..... the ones that are there to protect us pee ons.
  7. Right now I'm thinking of Bobby Fiero. I think he made a move or two in your back yard like that 😂
  8. YES...... only one air cleaner, two stacks with 3" pipes. 8V 71
  9. Took me a little while to find it. Well worth the look. Lots of nice work there.
  10. Ahhhhh......I must have missed that post. Eh ??? who can blame him, Susan Lucci is still kinda hot.
  11. I distinctly remember Bob saying something about watching Big Bang Theory. Never anything about soap operas.
  12. Just so you know, that truck isn't actually listed on this site. We're all just twitterpated looking at it. Not really sure if the add was from FB marketplace , or where.
  13. I've often wondered if anyone ever tried an 8.3 Cummins in a B Model.
  14. They were 700s weren't they ? I remember a blue one across from the breaker.
  15. I'd love to have the view over the hood
  16. I almost looks like it has 4 electric fans in front of the radiator in the picture.
  17. I'm like'n that Autocar with the scream'n demon. They're some pretty cool trucks. Thanks for posting.
  18. I'm pretty sure I've been by that guy's place delivering aglime. I don't think he's had that truck a long time.
  19. I'm thinking that might be the way for this guy to accomplish what he's hoping for.
  20. R models are not as wide as most anything else. If it's not going to see on road service, should be easy to splice something else on it. Like from a packer or a mixer. (something geared lower for it's application. Just couldn't be another R
  21. Most anything still serviceable is way past body bound bolts and well into the huckbolt era. I remember my first exposure to body bound bolts. Guy thought it was funny watching me cut the head off with a torch and trying to drive it through the frame.
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