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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. I find it odd how on news they always use language like " holding a daggar to the throat of democracy " This is exactly that, and no one says a thing. Meanwhile the people in charge (whoever it really is) didn't learn from a short time ago what happens when you stop the supply chain . Once again , the results of the few controlling the many.......and a real good example of someone counting someone else's money. And.....at a time when there's so many people who are going to need things with all the destuction from storms.
  2. All good news, glad to hear some for a change. Hope it all keeps going the right direction for you and the Mrs.
  3. Not trying to be a smart ass, did you ever read about them ? That's exactly what they do to older trucks. ( IDK about PG Adams rails ) They rebuild older trucks from the ground up with the diesel electric conversion. From what I understand that way regulations with them are more relaxed for an existing truck. These dudes have a pretty interesting history, along with some common sense ideas.
  4. Is that about something to do with that thing she says about fall'n out of a coconut tree ? 🤔
  5. Unfortunately.......not much. 11/24s ?
  6. Boy, she did do a great job on it for you. Looks good as well as period correct.
  7. The Edison idea is like making a truck a tiny locomotive. It works, and makes sense. I'm not gonna be knocking anyone over to get in line for one any time soon, but ??? Their idea is getting somewhere around 20 miles to a gallon ??? I'm not aware of any a$$hole particulate filter that in reality accomplished that. Most guys don't stop to think, a loaded truck (@ 40 tons) doesn't require full power to keep it rolling along at highway speed 100% of the time. Like the boy said..... "if you want guys interested in electirfication in trucks, give'm something that looks like a truck"
  8. Those guys are screwed. No one higher in the pecking order is ever gonna let them continue. Their ideas make entirely too much sense. Best they can hope for is to get paid well to go away. They've already been snubbed by government. It's a shame. I love what they're doing, and don't see how anyone could go wrong wading into electric trucks the way they're going about it. ( if that's what someone wanted to do ) All these clowns with the say don't really want what they talk about. If I had to guess, I'd say these guys have generated (pun intended) more interest in electrifying commercial vehicals amungst people in transportation who aren't getting subsidies (guys like ....us) than anyone else has.
  9. Congratulations Bob. Hopefully you'll get to do everything you've been looking forward to.
  10. I think I remember some of the 2 valves that required more than a five speed also had water running through the intercooler (heat exchanger mounted on the engine with a tip fan)
  11. I know mid '80s you could get a charge air cooler on a 2 valve. One I had here was a Maxidyne set up like that. (300 with a five speed road tractor)
  12. I don't think a 300+ was a Maxidyne
  13. Could you imagine having that now, in that kinda shape ?
  14. Does make ya wonder.
  15. Nice pictures Bob. Was that you in the pickup ?
  16. Lot's of them disapear.
  17. F her
  18. Yeah Jojo....don't try it at home. Funny thing was the switch wasn't even on. I was looking for a leak. cleaned the housing, figured I'd jack up the one wheeel and let the tires spin to see what was wet. Luckily I was in it, and it did the brake thing and the truck tried moving. Nothing really happened, but I was certainly surprised to find that happen.
  19. Newer trucks have them on that modular valve in the back. I could see acid for cleaning mixers killing those. Mack power dividers work pretty good.....when they're not worn out. Lots of them were worn long before making noises. Gotta remember some of these new trucks with traction control do things you wouldn't expect when you try things that worked 40 years ago. Like juacking one wheel end up and trying to make it spin with the engine . We won't get into how I stumbled on to this 🤣
  20. I'd have to imagine a Mack with no air lock (regular Mack power divider) would move the truck, but free wheel when it's not being powered by the engine output.
  21. I bet you posted this not even try'n to be funny. It's one of those things, it's funny cause it's true.
  22. See Jojo .....you needed help understanding your period. How you feel about tampon Tim now ?
  23. Yeah....look at them. That Willie guy said something about giving her a pearl necklace.....but nothing about pearl earings. This dumb @unt should be given an accademy award. A best supporting actor could go to the Tampax distributing running mate.
  24. My buddy's father went from an F Model to a Cruiseliner back @ 1980 . Only thing I knew at that point was it was cool. They're all a rare sight around these parts nowadays.
  25. I thought the Ultraliner was the MH. Cruiseliner replaced the F Model. Not sure, I think they were a WS ? (not sure on that) They shared a frame with the Superliner. Then the Ultraliner came after the Cruiseliner, and again shared a frame with the series two Superliner.
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