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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. NO that's your range cylinder. F's 13 he's talking about is under the cover on the top of the transmission and the bolt on the yolk is the one in front of the universal joint it'll be below your picture and it's like inch and five sixteenths
  2. Yes. Often when they were misadjusted or not working right in general. Disconnecting the air would make the truck run better. All the time it's smoking like that, it's basically over fueling. (not the greatest idea) They used to take some trial and error to get them shimmed (adjusted) to a point where you had power and minimal smoke. I'd imagine it'll be hard finding parts for one of them now. Never know, might put air to it and it work like a swiss watch. Someone who'd ziptie it off like that likely was doing it from being told by someone it'd make the truck run better ????
  3. Turbocharged Diesels have no vacuum. Or at least the certain times they do, it's not enough to matter. The reversing relay is part of the aneroid ( smoke control during turbo lag ) The reversing relay senses the manifold presure and meters the truck's air to the air cylinder on the injection pump that limits rack travel compared to manifold pressure. Some trucks will run better (and smoke a lot) with this system disabled. It's not a good idea though, as excessive fuel will wash cylinders down after a while. If the aneroid is working as it's intended to , it should run good and not bellow smoke out like crazy when lugging up from lower RPMs . Over the years there's been a couple different versions of this system, but they basically function the same way. Air goes from the parking brake valve to the reversing relay and enables the "puff limiting" With no air (parking brakes on) the rack is allowed to travel to full fuel position. This is a big help during cold starts as a cold engine requires a rich mixture to get started.
  4. that is a reversing relay
  5. They get studs and nuts in the carrier , don't they ? Then a couple bolts go down into the housing. That one's a easy one to fit a rod to. (carrier has holes) Won't bother that single frame one bit as long as all the correct grade bolts are used and tightened as they should be. ( your spring guy made a good suggestion )
  6. My buddy has an old FLD with an M11 and a Super 10 . He mostly hauls insulation, that in that same range for mileage too. Even with more weight it's over 6 by a lot. Mack had the 11 liter thing figured out way before any of'm.
  7. I believe at the time, engineeres felt there were gains in fuel mileage to be had staying in direct gear for a road tractor. So they gave it a little more power to hold on a bit longer without downshifting. Remember, stuff was simple then compared to now. Like a Super 10 was an early attempt at computer control shifting of the top 2 gears. The most reliable way (and cheapest) was in the shift between overdrive and direct. Sorta like a range change and didn't require fancy servo motors or super fast control moduals. So a little more power helped , but was programed in to encourage letting the truck do it's own thing to some degree. Some even used direct transmissions and a faster axle ratio so it'd lug back a little further with the cruise on. Usually these were on highway trucks in fleets and may not be grossed out to 80000 pounds at all times even. They were obsolete kinda fast as technology advanced quick not long after they came out. Let alone all the emission restrictions .
  8. An AMI that's been (deAMIed) might pull better, but that MP7 is a pretty good little engine. They had injector cup issues , common problem for them. Overall, they were a dependable driver friendly engine, and fairly good on fuel . Still quite a few in service , for being offered one year and almost 20 years old now.
  9. Seems like a lot of hours compared to the miles. There also might be a lot of life left in that engine too. The ECM should have the information in it if it's what's actually on it. Good candidate for an oil sample (oil analysis) They were pretty good engines
  10. That bit Jojo mentioned about the ten speeds was a thing back then. Electronics were no where near what they are now . Those ideas were obsolete before ever catching on. They were in fleets from what I remember. then some dribbled out for a second life here and there. 20 years old already.
  11. Bob ????? have you been watching Bondo Billy ? Making some progress, I like it.
  12. They were something for fuel economy if I remember right. Like you mentioned was a fairly common application they were used in. I think there was something about having the cruise control on at highway speeds, the power went up so they were supposed to chug a little harder when needed. I doubt there'd be much use for them down under like Paul is wondering about. 460 E Tech last good grey Mack engine. 🙁
  13. didn't they kick up the torque in the high gear or something ?
  14. I think it was. I almost rmember it on trucks from larger fleets (I think) Wanna say they were made with better fuel mileage in mind.
  15. IDK. If you ask me , Mack hung on way too long to the belief people knew what to do with extended range transmissions and multiple PTO options. Fuller was by far more driver and maintainence friendly, and in most applications did a fine job. It makes me sad they're all going the same direciton as injection pumps and two sticks. Oh..... and a pipe from a turbo that went to a muffler.
  16. Absolutely. They go a long time if used correctly and maintained as they should be (or even not) but when those things need help, it's usually the whole thing. They're expensive repairs when it comes to it though.
  17. (lol) I'm thinking you might be correct. So much so, I may personally guarantee it.
  18. IDK seems like Mack synchros and trunion bars, everyone is reluctant to accept when they're done. Can't fault a person for remaining optimistic though.
  19. Sounds like it needs to be taken out and repaired ( synchro and range cylinder components in the transmission ). Keep start'n out in sixth ??? you'll be taking the transmission out anyway to replace the clutch. Like F and Joey mentioned, those items can be the issue, but if it is and you're seeing issues, probably after repairing those you'll be wondering why it won't stay in low range and keeps clunk'n in and out.
  20. Seriously, I'm no fan, but at least he was one with some potential to get away from this train wreck. Obviously, they wanna keep going with the insanity
  21. I can't believe that goof was picked over Shapero. This whole thing keeps getting dumber and dumber
  22. comes with free tampon if you're an teenage boy
  23. Yeah, this guy is a totally different level of slimy turd.
  24. You know this walz guy was for legislation to have tampons in all the bathrooms in schools. Because.... well....ya know
  25. and tampons for every kid......yaaaay
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