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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. My first job was in a B model. 673 with an 18. Although ????? I wasn't allowed to drive the one with the 237 🤔. Been close to 20 years since I was in a B model.
  2. Pennsylvania is going to send one more of their finest into this Jerry Springer show. By next week at this time he'll be on the view.
  3. Jojo, read up on her parents. The old man split when she was like 12 . So that'd be mid '70s (?) There were basically onyl black or white back then. (not the limitless identities like now) I'm sure it was realized by her mother there was much more free stuff ......I mean opportunities for a black kid. Poor Kameltoe is just a product of her upbringing. Don't be hate'n y'all. So yeah, Jamacan and Indian = African
  4. That's an early picture of butajegg . It was taken to show his experience in the transportation industry.
  5. Well if the opportunity ever prevents itself, I'd volonteer to do a driveby for you. I'm think'n I can still pull it off.
  6. I think you know what it sounds like 🤪
  7. Kinda like drawing on The Mona Lisa with a Sharpie. In reality, truck's one of a small handful of those that'll ever look like that . Not easy finding someone to make you're vision reality, when to this point Matt was pretty much in control of the outcome. I know I'd be a bundle of nerves.
  8. IDK if I'd go around the whole hood. Not an easy truck to pin stripe as it's already gorgeous.
  9. I've seen some kind of small inverted (?) squares at corners. Personally, I think one line at crease on the hood at the top with a feathery thingy at each end . The hood's already busy with the script and mouldings.
  10. Almost seems like there should be something with the corners (like instead of just a plain right angle ?) Personally, I like the fenders with the little thingy over the wheel center. a small one of those over each headlight ??
  11. Paul, you may find it interesting that trucks from the New England area often have distinctive pin striping, and color combinations. The gold leaf edging off panels was always a popular layout , and subtle differnces in the corners and contours they followed made all the difference. I doubt at this point anyone is around and able that ever did a truck that old, let alone it's not a typical B that there's lots of pictures to go from. Lots of things can look fantastic (like the RW in the picture) I think maybe Matt is trying to achive a certain look somewhat native to his location .
  12. Just a thought, but if this truck is just somewhat of a hobby (?) Maybe the front wheels, you could get away with taking it apart and cleaning everything up. Then instead of using oil in the hubs, pack them with wheel bearing grease. Grease is less likely to ooze out like oil. Under the cirumstances ? might work.
  13. This one is priceless
  14. Only one in the country ? Wow. Truck looks to be in very good shape. I'm sure I speak for many of us here when I say it'd be interesting to know more about this truck. Thanks for sharing.
  15. I once saw a B with some form of green leaker in it (V) I wanna say it was a 53 series. It looked so cute and helpless tucked in there...... like a scared little bunny
  16. Think that woulda been an R700
  17. Don't worry, when Kameltoe is in there there'll be penty to make fun of. One door closes and another one opens.
  18. I've been thinking the same thing about the shape that truck is in. That must have been top of the line in '67....and somebody treated it that way.
  19. They're Qs in the picture, just remembering the once popular Propar stuff. Sorta rare sight now.
  20. Old Fruehauf, holy cow.. Propar, with the XEMs I feel old now Paul (TY)
  21. Sure it's not a quick release valve gone bad ? Pedal isn't sticking ? If it sat around, sometimes those bugs that make their house out of mud love doing it in air exhaust ports . Then stuff won't work because it doesn't exhaust.
  22. Maybe at this point someone makes some kinda cable assembly that would be relatively easy to retro. There's all sorts of things like that made nowadays .
  23. IDK, I noticed with it not working like it's supposed to, any bouncy situation telegraphs from your foot to the rack easier it seems. Almost like the puff limiter dampens it a little. Also a ridgid seat ( air seat with no air in it ) every little bump is amplified it seems.
  24. Is the puff limiter disabled by any chance ?
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