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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. That's about all the information that's in the Chilton book. The book isn't specific to the truck, it covers several. But if you think it'd be of any help, I'd ship it to you.
  2. Most of the upgrades require 12 volts to the distributor . IDK if the truck uses a balast resistor (or wire) , but I know most need 12 volts . The Petronix distributors are emphatic about that when you buy the whole distributor I know.
  3. Not much different than 4.64s. Still a 70+MPH truck.
  4. Carb kits are on Ebay. If that's a two barrel it's likely a 852FFG. I have an old Chiltons book Iv'e been looking at here. That truck reminds me so much of my uncle's dump truck when I was little. Hit a soft spot or something.
  5. That big gas engine likely has the same carburator base as a Holley 4150. I think that one easy plug n play one is a (Sniper) ? Get some clean gas to the engine , I think I'd be more worried about heat'n up the ignition some way. I'd imagine someone makes something that can make it transistorized instead of points. A nice hot high energy ignition will be harder than a good rebuild on a old Holley. ( I'm assuming it has some form of Holley on it). 401 might only be a 2 barrel . Either way, a kit probably is available .
  6. Have you seen inside a carburetor after sitting with ethanol gas
  7. Truck sounds great, and a good reason is you certainly seem to be pretty good at shifting it. Even if you were a driver with lots of experience, you got pretty good at it concidering how long it's actually been running since the restoration.
  8. Looks like all you can do now is swap out that IH engine for a 5.9 . Or...... stick to non ethanol . That stuff works if you used something frequently, but leave it sit a little and the fun starts. I think I'd leave the tank as full as posible for the periods it sits. You'd think these guys repop'n tanks would realize this and make a composit lined tank even if only for novelty trucks. At the point of manufacture, it wouldn't be very difficult to line it with a poly membrane or something.
  9. I beez tink'n daht eez him mohn. Kid does better than most 4 times his age around here at this point.
  10. Exactly. No need for that pesky after treatment. If it moves ??? just get in and start power shift'n (lol)
  11. Joey ???? are you saying that a trailer there wouldn't be like one here ? (lol) In so many ways, they're 75 years behind . I wonder how the after treatment works on that truck.
  12. I think I might have seen his nephew or something by Port Newark
  13. Nice 🤣 And just think.....he's not the only one
  14. That truck probably has a Holley on it. Might not be hard to get parts for the carb.
  15. Does that do that in gas ?
  16. I've reread this many times. I had a '06 AMI 370 4.17s and a Fuller 9 speed (overgear is pretty close as your transmission). I speced it to be light and aiming to get good fuel mileage. I can honestly say that was by far the worst truck I had ever purchased new. It was terrible on fuel, and by terrible I mean in the low 70s (weight) you had to drive it likean old lady to get in the four miles per gallon range. The thing was like a turtle on it's back. There were spots on blacktop it had all it could do to get moving. It was back to several dealers and on the dyno and ..... The truck was junk, and while a little worse than others , not night and day difference. Like I said, I've read this over a couple times, and from your first post ? I think I would leave it alone and keep doing what you're doing to it as far as operating it ( you're doing something right ) Those engines were filthy too, you go spending a bundle on reratioing it and next thing you know there's a hole in the block where a wrist pin let go. Personally, I think it's a case of "if it ain't broke.... don't fix it" The gearing it faster for mileage might not work on this one without spending a fortune.
  17. Wait a minute...... an aluminum tank won't have rust in it (WTF) And why the gas is turning colors ?
  18. Every time I'm burning trash I think of that guy . 🤔 Who the heck was that guy....
  19. I had one ( similar ) 4.17s. mine wasn't very good on fuel and it was terrible as far as drivability.
  20. You'd almost have to cut a hole in your's and clean it. Problem is a only way to stop the chemical reaction is to completely seal the inside of it. That's almost imposible . That caustic acid is just gonna eat into the metal unless no air gets to it. and existing rust ???? hard to stop without access . Then even if you cut a hole, how would you seal where it's welded back together. And this is all if it can be done without getting hurt from burns or worse
  21. That LKQ probably has something. The Four States ine looks similar to the one in your picture but it's aluminum. ( SSo you caan buff it to high luster)
  22. Four States has a 15" X 25" X 37" brand new aluminum $692.99
  23. I was just looking. They're on there. Looks like around a K for a brand new aluminum one (yikes) Your tank looks maybe like it's from a Fleetstar (?)
  24. Might be better off just replacing the tank. Used to see them advertised in all those magazines that used to come for free.
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