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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Are they backwards compared to trucks made for The USA ? Or are they same thing but on right side of the cab ? Looks like a nice fix for that problem.
  2. Any closer to finding out what it was ? This truck stirred up memories for lots of us here I think. Back when the Internationals were everywhere I never concidered them the handsome trucks they were. ( I also like the little teaser of the R700 in the frame picture )
  3. And yes..... that's sarcasm 😁
  4. Yeah Mech, they're awesome. Sometimes they're made to such stringent tolerance there's not even enough air line to cut off a little bit. Jojo's initial response was spot on concerning the manifold in question. They're fantastic for the first couple years though, because you need to remove them so often.
  5. Detroit Diesels ....scream'n demon....green leaker. General Motors Diesel. Turn'n fueel into noise down under. 😇
  6. He's about as popular with the jews as jesus right about now
  7. Remember OD, he might be Irish....but he's not dumb. Said so himself
  8. That's what I was say'n. Lots of DD there.
  9. There's a very nice cab at Old Forge Power Equipment.
  10. If we're looking at the same thing, my guess would be that's the cab's suspension ??? ( this is a good question for Paul) How about the compressor poke'n out the back on that truck ? Lotta scream'n demon there on that unit.
  11. One of thos ewith a 340 woulda been a fun car. You musta looked a little like Mannix in tht car.
  12. I wonder if that was one of those trucks with the giant vacuum cleaner on it. I remember seeing those with some kind of hose reel (?) on the front. Truck looks to be in very good shape.
  13. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who has that old saying coming to mind. Plant corn......ya get corn. This a$$hole probably has been on dope his entire life just like his shining star son
  14. That's a show you'd like to watch. Way better for guys like us than BBT ( seriously, it's the guys in Canada with the wreckers you'd like it I bet )
  15. You do know Highway Through Hell is on The Weather Channel
  16. I've had them all. The Etech 460 was a very good engine. It has several updates on the overhead, and luckily I dodged any issues there. That one had a J Tech engine brake and it worked very good. I had strong E7s too. The MP's engine brake worked fairly well, compared to the displacement of the engine. All of them made it past at least 700,000 miles. ( some were sold at that point and never had the oil pan or head(s) off ) Maintenance is everything, and doing your best to keep them from overheating. In my opinion, as long as it's not an AMI or ASET they were all pretty good engines without enough power to destroy the rest of the truck. Enough power to do the job though and long life to overhaul. And yes, the MP on the skid is for sale.
  17. '04 MP7 was an excelent engine. About the biggest issue was injector cups, and there's no update on them (like going to conicals) also, wirinharnesses were no where near life of chassis. Power wise, they were way more driveable than the last of the grey engines. Very good throttle responce and off idle torque. Remember, compared to the ASETs and AMIs.... a good running Briggs and Straton seemed powerfull. They aren't a powerhouse , like an old E7 427 or a Etech 460 would smoke them on a grade. Fuel wise, came down mostly to the right foot. At @ 73000/75000 pounds in the 6 to 6.25 MPG was realistic. I had 2, they both had a long life with minimal needs. I actually have a brand new one sitting here in my shop too. (yes, brand new Remack on the skid). All and all, by no means the worst engine choice I ever made.
  18. Oh Bob.... would you give it up, say'n the wife watches big bang theory. you can admit it..I've been known to watch it myself.
  19. IDK. It was the first thing I thought of. ( I'm thinking I likely owe the new guy an appology )
  20. The guy you asked for the offset keyway.
  21. Careful Jojo.....don't forget keyway guy 🤣
  22. This one isn't really funny, cause it's true. I think I'm more educated on that subject from watching Schoolhouse Rock as a little kid than what this a$$hole seems to think is correct.
  23. Be interesting to know who made it, but any sleeper that can live through a B model then an R model and still be in one piece 50 years later has to be manufactured quite well I'd say. That'll look good on your Mack.
  24. 😏 like the dude that started this. He needs new slacks and it should have cams and bushings.
  25. Exactly. None of them work when the components are worn out.
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