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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Eggs are in short supply. Long as they're at the beach.....maybe pound sand intead.
  2. Over the years, I've seen a lot of guys do some pretty impresive stuff on this site. No disrespect to any of them, but man.... you blow them all away. God bless you.
  3. I'd be spraying the angle springs with WD40 . Really isn't much else unless the clutch is shot. Sitting does weird stuff to components .
  4. Yes, you are correct. I am however convinced there are indeed people who make statements like that and truly believe themselves. Somebody's making a lot of money from all this insanity and we're the people paying for it (monetarily). It's hard to watch all this. Every day there's stories about these poor illegals just looking for a better life, while our quality of life becomes poorer and poorer. These people are criminals....period. The ones who allow it are criminals. I've paid more for overweight fines than these criminals will ever pay for the crimes they commit. Sure, I'll get called an a44hole for sayig that, but it's true. An illegal kills someone ??? even if they're caught, they're fed, they're warm, they're not contributing a fu#&'n thing to society. There's people make a ton of money from it.
  5. The mixer is pretty nice, no two ways about that.
  6. WTF ???? don't you realize these poor people are just going through a period of settling in and cultural adjustment? I'm sure they're disoriented and confused. If not for them and their actions, how could countless people make a small fortune for helping these newcomers understand the err of their ways. I mean at the end of the week, it's only pennies on the dollar we have to kick in for all this....and a dollar realy isn't worth all that much anymore. I know we won't see the results of all these efforts right away, but the people profiting from all this will, and therein is the silver lining. Don't believe me ??? ask that gomez chick.....she knows.
  7. 🤷🏻‍♂️ dog was bite'n everyone for a while. Least sleepy wasn't on a bicycle, woulda been a lot more work.
  8. Commander doesn't even look threatening in that picture.
  9. Me and the guy help'n change it cut the rod off with a torch. Then we started it like that. We got bored wait'n for it to sieze up.
  10. Who could possibly put a price tag on a good trans gender opera ?
  11. I had an ASET throw a rod once. Left a gaping whole in my checking account.
  12. I had an R Model kit that was an AMT a long time ago. Like long enough ago it got put together like a twelve year old did it.
  13. The guy that posted it isn't too far from me , and as others pointed out it looks like some type of Pennsylvania plate. I tried enlarging it, but it just got fuzzy . I think the guy that posted it is a cabover enthusiast too. Safe bet we haven't seen the last of it though. Looks like a nice Cruiseliner.
  14. I see a couple things that make me think that's in Pennsylvania.
  15. Is 1/87 also the same as HO scale ? The R Model looks like it may have been an AMT ?
  16. You're such a tease. 🤪 I for one would love to see those.
  17. Maybe I'm like a ten year old, but big mike is right up there with farts as far as a source of humor.
  18. Seems you're quite versed on the fourteenth ammendment. So I'm sure you're aware it was from back around 150 years ago. I believe based on citizenship of children of slaves. Truth is it all should have been revisited back in the begining of the 20th century. I guess all that's left for me to say is I can only wish someone was a passionate about my birthrights I've seen go away since I was born. I'm a citizen, least according to my 1040 and every other tax I'm obligated to pay. Can't go to work and drive my truck without a seatbelt..... but who cares. Can't chose what lightbulb to put in my house, but hey.....I'm a citezen with rights . It's for the greater good ...right ? There's a lot of people have a hard time hearing about all these "rights" afforded to everyone else coming and trampling all over the lives we've all paid into and watch all the freebees handed out by those who never lived in the reality of most of our worlds. Little other part of history. When Jefferson Davis ran for cover after all this 14th ammendment and all, he did it in a dress. Now ? the nonsense that needed to be addressed a long time ago and is now there are guys in dresses run'n for cover. Let's see how it all plays out and respectfully disagree for now.
  19. Is there one for big mike
  20. Perhaps, but most likely they were documented at the least . The crazy nonsense that's been going on the last four years isn't all that relevant to the fourteenth amendment. If I'm not mistaken the fourteenth amendment was done during slavery. Doesn't mean you sneak in, spawn and everyone is a star spangled citizen. It's a huge overreach and it's long past the time it should be reeled in.
  21. Me too
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