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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. 🤢 granny panties
  2. I think it is on the low side. I don't know what the market will bare where you live. I know there's fewer and fewer guys doing anything with Macks here. (older or newer) Grey engines are either no one touches them, or if you're lucky you know a guy. I'm sure you know what you want for your time and all, but that number is way more than fair to a customer for what you're doing .
  3. Holy cow, you're May finish date shouldn't be a problem at all at the rate you're going.
  4. Don't sell yourself short. There's a need for the services you can provide. Now finding those people that need them ??? Whole other story.
  5. Can't go from playing candy crush to diagnosing issues with a truck. For the money they're talking about ? seems there's better ways to approach the customer other than ( we'll just keep charging you for whatever ) like maybe turning down the job in the first place. I agree everyone has to learn, but so many of these guys don't learn. So we pay and pay and pay for nothing . Then here we get to pay for student loans for someone else who likely learned nothing. Sorry to go off here , but more and more you see this nonsense. Take a truck for repairs , don't get them and more often than not be told you're wrong for expecting them. It's a strange new way of conducting affairs, and hard to adjust to.
  6. These guys assured the owner the codes were right from the injector itself (lol) Can you imagine if you're correct ? Then they'd gladly add on to what would be a twelve thousand dollar bill already. Not to mention what else didn't live through their fact finding treasure hunt. Truck repair is out of control.
  7. Guy where I live here has a E Tech (pre self destructive EGR) He took it to a diesel repair shop because the EML was on (truck ran fine) He wa stold the light wa son because it needed 6 unit pumps and six injectors. Then they told him they needed @ $9000.00 for parts before they went ahead with the repair. He questioned them and they were adament the codes were coming from both the unit pumps and injectors themselves. This wasn't a Mack dealer, and that was because they gave him every excuse why it'd be weeks before they could even get it in. So now it's been running around with the light on for a couple mounths (lol) Personally, I think the old girl needs an engine harness, point is this is one more of countless examples of what truck repair has devolved into.
  8. That's not a big deal. He calls himself the president.....and we all know he ain't that either.
  9. This isn't just a Mack thing.
  10. If only they could find it on YouTube, this guy's problems would be solved. Of course that's once the service "writer" figured out how to bill it (like how many hours to charge the guy $150.00+/hour) I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's not even combustion causing the overflow . There's no way the shop it's at could pull off the test Joey suggested. It's funny seeing how goofy these shops are until you think about it, then it gets pathetic pretty quick. Those guys should stick to their Volvo service bulletins.
  11. Jojo......this isn't by any chance the same dealer where you went looking for the offset keyway , is it ?
  12. Mark T

    Shop Talk

    Did you tell him your pronouns..... or think to ask them/their pronouns ? Did you at leaast end the call with the phrase " have a great rest of your day " ?
  13. Mark T

    Shop Talk

    F, you're approaching it all wrong. You guys need that Vince guy that used to sell the Sham Wow to be the salesman.
  14. A beautiful puzzle.
  15. Bob, what you said kinda goes together . When we used to drive stuff when we were young ??? it never registered to slow it down a little more before downshifting (lol) . You realize after shifting sever hundred thousand times how to get the hang of it. Then you're in the home strech and posting on BMT 😃.......like myself for example.
  16. There's a guy Barry can hook you up with for hood hinges I believe.
  17. Think there's a check valve goes in the range shifter on the back of the transmission too.
  18. Probably any talcum powder would help.
  19. It helps reduce the itchy effect of the dust from grinding the fiberglass.
  20. Cut up jugs from DEF or something work good too after a nice cleaning, and they peel off for the most part.
  21. You can use anything like cardboard or duct tape to lay some mat and resin on one side, then after a couple layers, just grind it off and mat and resin the side where the tape or cardboard was. Need some thickness in the damaged area and then Bondo to cover the part to be painted ( like the gel coat ) then a few more layers of mat and resin behind it, where's it's not actually going to be finished like the outside. It's time, and lots of itching. Channel your inner child and put some baby powder on before the grinding.
  22. I never knew that existed. What engine is in that ? I reviewed this thread and watched the video. Thanks for posting these things, very interesting.
  23. forgot stale ciggy smell
  24. That's a Nuway. Good chance you could change just the bushings in those rods, but you'd need to find someone who can properly match them and press them in. Jojo is correct in suggesting Atro as a good source of replacement rods. Most likely easiest to match them up by length and end type. Looks like that truck's frame is clean and painted, I think we need pictures of the whole truck. (this won't really help much with identifying the torque rods, but we really like seeing pictures of trucks)
  25. Good thinking OD. You needed to be more safety minded like those guys with the fringy things hung around the windows all around the cab, and driving with your left leg on the dash proudly displaying your shorts and Crocks. Oh....and playing Candy Crush or something while all that's going on. (you sure that's Bob lol)
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