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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. awwww...... that's beautiful 🤮
  2. 855s were mid to later '60s. Not sure exactly when. It'd be a very large book explaining Cummins engines by the year and such.
  3. Pretty sure it's supposed to be like that here too Paul. The jerkoffs in charge though don't seem to care . I guess when you don't have much respect for yourself, it shouldn't be expected that you'd respect your country. ( or even have any knowledge of silly things like what a country's flag stand for ) It's called ignorance.
  4. 🤔 You'd think it'd be a Volvo
  5. Turns out "ol meathead wasn't really act'n. Who knew ???
  6. Back drop was a Cummins thing. I can't think of any other manufacturer that did much with exhaust manifolds other than where the outlet was in relationship to the application. I don't know if the back drop was a performance thing , maybe it was like the grandfather to the pulse manifold (lol) One thing for sure, on a healthy engine, they make a distinct note , and they sound great in my opinion.
  7. That was Meathead back in the '70 ya know. Fitting
  8. I'd love to hear that truck in real life.
  9. EZ there DCW...... you're lusting for a tranny
  10. Gotta watch what ya say..... you'll get a position working under admiral rachel Another one of Pennsylvania's finest
  11. One thing I can't understand. This idiot has done more in his time in office to get drugs and pharmaceuticals into every American than anyone in history. Vaccines, fentanyl, clean crack pipes and needles, narcan vending machines...... makes El Chapo look like a kid snuck a joint into high school. How does no one notice or say anything ? He's doing his best to get something into every single person one way or another.
  12. A I...... it's a two letter word. Headboard 🤣
  13. (lol) Holy F@&% How many yards does one of those come out to ?
  14. I hope those tires are the proper size for that FJB edition . The part about the ones for it costing more sounds right, but.....c'mon man.
  15. True, but old spacers are often squeezed in some, then the difference from manufacturers ???? can't just take for granted there's gonna be enough there to clamp different rims in place. That's assuming the spoke is in good shape too. Not uncommon to find them missing some parts after a rim spins past the lumps around the valve stem. Tight lug nuts are no guarantee rims are tight .
  16. That truck was here a couple weeks ago. It's alive and almost the same as in the pictures (has newer rubber now) I think a 420 is a Magnum . Cummins cocktailed them together with the influx of Small Cams that were cores when guys upgraded to a Big Cam. Then had some newer advancements engineered into them and were sold as a factory recon. I think they were 420s
  17. Picture 2 would go on the outside of duals on a spoke. Changing from tube type to tubeless requires reevaluating the hardware you're using, as at the very least the spacer in the back is often a different width. Then you need to make sure the wedges are correct too. Steer axle isn't as fussy.
  18. Picture 1 on the steer.
  19. Bob imitation is said to be the most sincere form of flattery
  20. Deep man...... deep. You're like one of those fillossofers
  21. My guess ? They had some Amish guys make it or something like that.
  22. I have a new one. New Remack on the skid.
  23. Probably way more trucks breaking down than roller coasters.
  24. I didn't know that either Bob..... but that white truck and the cabover ????? they're the bomb . What handsome trucks .
  25. Had one of those too. The old meter with the bell and hose hanging on it which is I remember correctly had some kind of valve the rolled hose opened and closed.
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