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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. That black truck is a beauty.
  2. Is this by any chance a reman clutch ? Do you have a good transmission jack ??
  3. It's a beautiful dump truck. I also just happened to see that H360 Brockway with the dump trailer out by The Beacon Bridge on RT 84. It was something seeing it in the area it would have been working in 45 years ago.
  4. OD I wasn't fast enough earlier today to get the picture. Saw one of your favorite Bs going up Route 222 today headed to the show ( that black dump truck with the red frame ) Cool seeing it in action like that.
  5. Looks like some form of a Cummins QSK38 (V12 size of 2 6 cylinder KTs, as opposed to the 1710 V12 2 855s)
  6. Vlad.... you're kill'n it here. Where do you get these pictures ? Impressive knowledge of RWs too. I can relate to the model thing too.
  7. If this is the same truck ???? just a couple things you mentioned don't sound right. Heavy spec aluminum frame ???? tri-drive ? I said it somewhat in jest about the pictures. (but God help us..... we love pictures) They really would be a great help for some input on this truck you're wondering about.
  8. 😏 question like this requires pictures . Solely for the sake of making an accurate assessment ...... or we all just love pictures .
  9. Mark T


    Try that. This dude'll school ya on two sticks.
  10. Mark T


  11. Mark T


    Probably my fault Bob. I'm not too familiar with sending links.
  12. Mark T


    Pretty sure he's the real thing , and not 70 years old.
  13. Mark T


    How about this guy ???? Watch _The GREATest 2 sticks shifting video of all time!_ on YouTube.eml
  14. Not much chance of it not running. Not much else that hasn't been replaced or serviced . You're going to be surprised at how smooth that will run.
  15. Looks like it's ready to start. Did you have it running yet ?
  16. That's a very popular show OD. Lots of nice trucks there. I don't make it as often as I'd like to, but I'm sure you'd see a familiar face or ten there.
  17. They look to be old Rockwells. Maybe even from the Timken era ??? Not sure what model. Still seems like it should work, especially if you freshen it all up like you said.
  18. I might be wrong, but I think the adaptor you're describing for the Nuway is the same as the one for a Hendrickson. He's talking about using an Airliner. That seems like an easy one to use as a single axle. See them all the time. Might be a challenge to get the drive line down to the level of the pinion though as compared to Mack top load double reductions. Fairly large drop compared to wheel base.
  19. Rol loc makes short work of cleaning it off. Didn't have them back then either.
  20. Joey, back then it was commonly referred to as "shellac" (lol) everything was going to leak if you didn't use the shellac on it. Least around here in this area anyway.
  21. Pictures are always good. I'm sure someone could make a suggestion.
  22. I just wanna know if the chassis is gonna venture down to Macungie (I'm pretty sure it's gonna run)
  23. I actually burst out laughing at that one. And just think, the (manshed) sticker probably has some meaning we're not aware of.
  24. I know..... she's hot right ????
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