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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Carperet or something . He was some oil guy with lots of money. Osterlund got about another 20 years outta Diamond Reo (Giant) They were tough trucks. Seemed like years ago, guys with Diamond Ts or Diamond Reos had lots of pride in them. They were handsome trucks.
  2. I thought he got flown off in a helicopter. 😏 made me think about a scene from the movie Scar Face
  3. That's a Diamond Reo Rogue. Around 1974/1975 some oil guy purchased the Diamond Reo brand from White. They had all sorts of ideas for new models. Like The Rogue, The Royale ( big highway cab over ) my favorite The Raider ( their fancy truck with a huge radiator ) along with the normal C114 (?) models . The Rogue was aimed at refuse collection and city delivery type applications. Sadly though, the company was bankrupt in under 2 years.
  4. It's called pouting. You may have seen behavior like that with a spoiled 5 or 6 year old.
  5. That might be rachel's grandfather......grandmother ???
  6. Crazy part is he makes more sense than most any other democrat in the public spotlight.
  7. Exactly
  8. I had to check and make sure I wasn't redirected to a Playboy site . Words cannot describe those two "women"
  9. I could see this being read by Mr and Mr butajege or rachel lavine.......oh, and my favorite big mike
  10. 🤔 sounds about right
  11. Call me immature or whatever, but I love those diecasts. I'm always watching at places I go as sometimes they get a run of them made for the company. It used to only be like a minimum of 80 or something. First Gear would make them with company logos and all.
  12. Some of the 1/34 First Gear diecasts are pretty nice. Like the Brockway's hood opens and there's an engine with some detail. That GU in the one picture, the hood opens and has a highly detailed engine bay, airlines with glad hands and chains on the headache rack. highly detailed rear suspension and detailed Mack rears. Then other First Gear ones, they're nice, but lot less detail. I have a roll off from that TV show Wrecked. That's really detailed.
  13. I might be calling it the wrong name, but there's that valve that interactas between the service and parking brakes. Some have that anodized steel cover on the top kinda triangle shaped. The function of them is anti compounding. Depending the manufacturer they look a little different, but do the same thing. That little valve in the picture is a double check valve. ( I've heard of them referred to as shutle valves ) That valve doesn't belong in that part of the system. an anti compounding valve ??? well.... one could go there. Believe it or not, I've seen this before. Guy will try using the double check valve as a manifold (?) Parking brakes will work once or twice, then that's it. or maybe bleed off over a while, seem to work then back to not working. It is a little confusing between differnt manufactures and different areas where guys (like me) tend to call things by the wrong name or a differnt name than what guys call them in a different part of the country. Someone's got something plumbed incorrectly in that truck and it's not easy to call it via text and a few pictures. 🤔 someone mentioned that already
  14. I didn't wanna say that, but...
  15. I think the picture on the last page is a schematic with what is sometimes referred to as an inversion valve. Another form of valve for anticompounding. That little guy in the picture is a shuttle valve. That's a valve like if on a truck there's a hand valve. So if air comes from the foot valve, that's one signal to the relay without bleeding back to the hand valve....or vise versa. That little guy doesn't belong there. That post on the previous page is a system with an inversion valve . It's deceiving because it's a generalized drawing.
  16. Yes, but it doesn't belong there . Not on maxies
  17. Why is the double check valve (shuttle valve) there ? That's usually used to receive air from either a foot valve or a hand valve (trolly valve) . Did the same guy that didn't have any issue welding on the frame's flanges think he could use it to send air to two different places ? Just for kicks, try gutting the check valve and see if all your issues go away.
  18. That 1925 looks like maybe it was on some kind of tour or something that lasted 2 years ????? Thing's a hundred years old now, holy cow.
  19. Pretty much what those guys said. Not too long ago I upset a guy sharing my opinion of them (the AMI engine) They were not Mack's best idea.
  20. Careful commenting on AMIs 😏
  21. It's too bad you can't find a better parts guy. But like Geoff said, try a new bearing. It just might work. By bearing I mean the outer race and all .
  22. OMG. I didn't realize earlier. Today 1/17 is big Mike's birthday
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