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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. On a truck that old ??? Who knows what someone did or didn't do to it over the years. The important thing is you have the stainless steel /teflon discharge line . It really doesn't matter how long it is after a certain length. If you do decide to anchor it to something away from the exhaust (good idea) You'll need those P clamps with the teflon instead of rubber or they'll just melt and wear through your new discharge line. Believe it or not, that discharge line gets pretty hot from the compressed air going through it. Just run it with gradual bends if there's extra discharge line. (like winding it up in a loop is a sure way for it to collect water and freeze)
  2. It'd be braided stainless or copper from the compressor. Then most mack's of that era had a fitting with pipe thread on each end and a mounting hole to anchor it to the transmission. The ss or copper on one side, and usually braided rubber airline with JIC fittings on the other to the wet tank or dryer
  3. IDK how long they're required to be, but they're like that on account of the heat. Even the P clamps are lined in Teflon ( usually white on a Mack ) lots of them switch to something else with a fitting that is bolted to the transmission.
  4. Some older Diamond Ts used that cab, I think Hendrickson and maybe even a couple others. How about that repair on the cab corner ??? Pretty nice work (along with the rest too)
  5. Sounds like what would be called a blown head gasket from combustion passing by it .
  6. Why is the head off it and what damaged the liner ? Not much of a chance of it ever sealing as it should with the liner damaged, no matter what fire ring or gasket.....and why is the liner damaged ?????
  7. Those trucks have IH Comfo Vision cabs (or some name like that) Used by Diamond T, but not REO
  8. I could be wrong on this, but I think some of the old Thermodynes had hollow crank throws. (along with no oilers) As the Maxidyne evolved and horsepower went up there was some kind of update that added bracing from main cap to main cap. So much got better and better over time. Another thing that was huge in accomplishing all this was higher injection pressure (made by a pump that could have a life)
  9. (lol) I have a '21 Peterbilt with the same set up, except I use a 10 speed
  10. I had 2 MP7s one was a Maxidyne and one Econodyne. Far as I know it was only a software difference One was a 395 and the other a 405. Those little engines were sorta like you suggested about the V8 using everything for power. In my opinion ???? cubic inch for cubic inch ...not many run like them. (and yes I know they don't leave a trail of fire, but they're a tiny engine compared to even a 13 liter) and they're actually fairly close to the same displacement as a 237
  11. Live tandem twin screw. Little 34000 pound Eatons with the round housing I believe
  12. Multi speed transmissions gained popularity as axle ratios became faster. A truck with a 3.7 axle grossing 80K would have a hard time starting out on black top even with a 6 to 1 first gear in the transmission. Newer engines all made much more torque than engines common in the mid '60s
  13. Back to original question. Maxidynes didn't get their grunt from some mystery valves . 50 years ago, they engineered away lots of shifting, and now they do that with the M drive .
  14. Fuller jumped in on the concept. A PowerTorque Cummins worked with a five speed Fuller. Husky Drives and TO 95ALLs were made just for that. Of course that was years after Mack had a good foothold on the less shifting idea
  15. We all know the guy with the 3 year old truck that looks 30 😂 and they're getting more popular than ever cause that's about when good warranty runs out
  16. I think see'n how as that pickup is all dolled up and ready to go ? Might be a good vehicle to try a low altitude girl in a car picture
  17. IDK ??? I don't have to put much thought into a few old ten wheelers from NJ that were in pretty nice shape. Lots of those old big DMs and Autocars ? they weren't exactly a rarity , and some were pretty well preserved.
  18. All the work is done on top of the piston ( timing injection pressure , matching of turbo cam and fuel delivery ) and more important than any of it ? Someone figured out how to do it for a reasonable amount of money . Think many people realize one of those old constant torque Maxidynes were never anything bigger than what would be called an 11 liter today ?
  19. Years ago , an old fella by where I live had a truck similar to this . I was way to young to understand ( or appreciate ) what I was looking at. I'm amazed at how much has changed on trucks, and how much really hasn't.
  20. I can't believe how much the front springs look like something so much newer .
  21. It kinda looks like the same red as the tractor you drove ??
  22. That probably was a dump truck at one time.
  23. Timmy set you right up. 👍
  24. If the spring in it is that busted, it likely doesn't have much fight left in it. !!! but still gotta be careful !!!
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