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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Just an FYI....a engine turning tool for a Cat ( half inch drive one looks sorta like on a starter ) is the same one for these Macks
  2. Coming along, this looks to be working out better than you were thinking. Which is a good thing.
  3. Interesting rockers and tank on that truck.
  4. Maybe a smaller breaker would work ??? (like 15 amp) when it overheats it'll trip and then come back on after it cools off . Might be enough to get stuff sliding off the glass. Certain areas ? those trucks can be a problem in just the right storm when it comes to keeping the glass clear. Or maybe a fan might be a better idea ?
  5. At my age I first saw him in the comedy roles. It's something how seeing him on something older , you can't look at the guy and not still think about the Naked Gun stuff, or Airplane .
  6. Those two are fairly close ratio wise as far as low gear and overdrive. The 13 would require at least shortening the drive shaft. The 9 speed top cover will bolt on the 13 . Is it an (F) because that's what the chassis requires (forward shifter) In my opinion ? unless you plan on pulling a trailer , the 9 should be fine.....unless you take the muffler off and really like row'n gears
  7. I had one once , the genius driving it insisted on putting a stick in the tank ( to check the fuel level.... cause gauges aren't always right ) Blew air back from the supply line at the filters. It was full of bark .
  8. Pretty sure it was a Cummins (400 ?)
  9. Just don't try breast feeding any cats on the flight
  10. Holy cow..... is that little girl in nice shape. Not many mixers make it that long without being trashed. Thanks for the pictures.
  11. Oh..... "86 R too E6 2090 and camelbacks with 92s...... chrome dog. That's about as Mack as it gets (lol)
  12. I've been told the same thing..... but ? I've owned 2 CLs from brand new that had 8LLs in them (both Elites) and they both came with gold dogs. I have a CTP MP 7 Maxitorque CRD92s only thing not Mack is the Hendrickson air ride and the brackets on the frame have bulldogs cast in them. The CLs had Hendrickson RT and they had Hendrickson "H" logos cast in them . The RW in my avatar was an E9 2180 and 461s No gold dog there either ?
  13. IDK if I'd scrap it. Some times if you just walk away a while , you see things different. If it would help ?? You can come to my place and polish my tanks like yours. It'd be a nice get away for a while .
  14. Might want to take the side cover off the front rear and take a look at the bevel gear. May even find a tooth hide'n up in the top
  15. I think maybe we need more pictures of that truck. Some from under the hood, couple of the inside, maybe a few from underneath
  16. Sometimes the reliefs are referred to as "auto stops" BGarofalo is correct. This is no where near as complicated as it sounds and if it's not done ? Good luck steering past the travel it has with the help of the hydraulic pressure.
  17. And...... that's not even mentioning the likely $150.00/hour (minimum one hour) if it was installed there. A job like that ?? might have it back in a couple days.
  18. You can't put a price on safety 😂
  19. The E9 and Scandia are the same displacement too. This isn't a coincidence. And yes, a huge 90 degree turbo charged V8 does sound awesome. Like a giant Power stroke..... except it can move 50+ tons all day
  20. Mark T

    Veterans Day

    Make it easy..... remember The Veterans on days that end in the letter "Y"
  21. Biggest tire you'll fit on an 8.25 X 24.5 wheel is a 12x24.5 All wide base are 22.5 as tubeless goes.
  22. Ever try adding additional ground (earth) wires ? like batteries to frame, cab to frame..... engine to frame. Adding some wires as grounds seems kinda a cheap try as compared to stuff you tried and didn't work. Extra ground wires won't hurt anything even if they don't cure it.
  23. I don't know why I had a hard time with that. I'm embarrassed to say how much thought I put in that .
  24. This might sound dumb, but will that steering box work mounted behind the axle ? Almost seems like it'd be going the wrong direction.
  25. Too bad the engine and stuff from the rusty one couldn't go in the red and white one......... or could it 🤔
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