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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. 1750 is the one now. 1241s are still around, but I'd rather the 1750. The part I don't like is the extra several hundred pounds it'll all add to the truck.
  2. Not goofy at all.
  3. I'd love to have a six and a four in my one dump truck. 73000.....I have no doubt the 6 speed would be enough. The 4 way ????? that'd be more for the cool factor. Like when someone asks if it's one of those things from Four States (lol) except it'd be the real thing. Then there's something about being able to drive something like that in this day and age.
  4. I guess I really have no chance for the transmissions ......dang
  5. At the time , they were about the biggest in the world. The Marion uses an 85 yard bucket. I wanna say they were new back in the later '60s (?)
  6. I'm not sure how far it walked. I thought they were talking about using it again. I know the Marion down in the cut below it was running not too long ago. Isn't that Marion in the picture over The Shaft ? And yes Jojo, you would like to see those. If you stood by the cut where the big Marion is and looked down you get dizzy for a second. Then you realize the D9K sitting next to it is a D9K (lol) I might be wrong, but from what I understood, the 250 ton end dumps at the time couldn't make it from the bottom of the pit up. The big Marion cast up to The Anthracite King (a huge Bucyrus Erie) then material was loaded to go to the breaker. I always thought that was a Marion. Knew it ended up blue and white.
  7. I was looking again. It looks like a 2 valve with a chassis mounted charge air cooler. Might be a 300+ or 350 ??? Some form of Econodyne
  8. Lots can happen to a truck over 40+ years. Hell.....look what happened to me over 40 years
  9. There's a range valve on it. That little auxilury that's sorta flat with one cylinder pretty much makes it a 9 or 10 back in that era. IDK, looks like a 237 from what I can see. Truck is pretty clean and straight.
  10. If only our current administration could stay in power, we could pay for it's cleanup. 😁
  11. Close to me here in Throop Pa. there was Marjol Battery. It ended up a Superfund site. I hauled into it in the late '80s. You pulled into a lot, dumped and then went to the truck wash. Guys in suits washed the truck off and you were under NO circumstances to get out of the truck. Several of the local guys from there developed health issuses and have since passed away. Who knows, maybe 40 or 50 years there'll be superfund sites in Pakistan.
  12. ??? a little electrolye discarded in the dirt....no problem. exposure to lead....phhhhhht. Tyvec ??? who needs it
  13. Seriously. I think you'd enjoy watching them. It really is a good escape from political BS and all that nonsense.
  14. Jojo......it's great fluff. Way better than most stuff on TV. I can't help but think you'd enjoy it.
  15. You never saw the Youtube things with the guys with the bad toe nails weld'n or rebuilding stuff ?
  16. Think what you may of those Pakistani dudes, but I can tell you I've spent what amounts to hours (maybe even days) watching them. They're impressive.
  17. Peterbilt did it. My guess if anything even close to a Mack like that exists, it's in The land Down Under.
  18. I was there late '90s. Used to go down and then come back up across the street from your shop.
  19. I'm 58. Never really got around that area until the early '90s. Only thing I ever was involved with down below was hauling into Luciano's for a couple years.
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