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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Those Berr fans were supposed to be stored in a certain position ( I think this applied to all viscous fan drives ) that no one seemed to pay attention to. There was a way they had to be hot wired and ran at a certain RPM until they would spin free , then they would work. I remember that paper coming in the package with a new one.
  2. There's one extended range that's a five speed with a second lever, but the high in the second lever only works in the main in 4th and 5th ? IDK what model it is, but one of those and 4.17s ??? It'll have some top end then (lol)
  3. What you're trying to accomplish may require a different rear gear and an overdrive transmission .
  4. 4/18 a great day to be born ......worked for me too
  5. Doesn't that hose have a screen in it ? Or was that on newer ones
  6. Must be all the cool people were born on the 18th.
  7. and let him buy us steaks or pizza 😃
  8. That's a J & J there's a body prop right to the left (driver's side) of your hoist. That should swing up into position and will stop an EMPTY body from crushing you. Trust me on this one kid.... if you have enough brains to figure get'n under an unsupported body is a lousy idea ? you can probably do better finding an air leak than you think
  9. Yes the truck was made with the tanks that look to be aluminum. Then someone added the two. Are you sure one of those two doesn't have a tiny hole rotted through ?
  10. It looks like someone added air tanks parallel to the frame. Those most likely supply all lift axle related air
  11. Empty , a block of wood of some size . Yes the turquoise thing is the dryer
  12. The soapy water trick will get you results. Once you get the hang of it, then maybe a picture of the leaky area or component ???
  13. You have to understand, lots of guys are willing to help, but it's not easy without being there ( lol ) the solinoid ? Depending make ?? They all look a little different. So not easy to describe other than it'll have airlines and a wire or two. But even if the axle has a tiny leak and something else on the same tank leaks more... there's not enough air to keep the axle up
  14. That's probably a picture after it sat and bled down. Really doesn't determine anything about where the leak is
  15. I can almost remember those trucks on The NE Extension and thinking the bags were way over stretched. Like no rolling lobe action at all. Would make sense bags could be shot
  16. That looks like an HLM so it's air up air down...and it looks huck bolted, so probably from the modshop and has a solinoid somewhere
  17. Mack liked that valve, they used it on several things that weren't brakes and used air
  18. That little red cap valve ?? That truck can ( and likely does ) have more than one. Might find one on an air tank you can see from under the truck . And they could be on either system. Make liked that particular brand back in that era
  19. Often brake chambers can blead back from side to side especially those cheap gold ones. Might be what's causing the inversion valve leak ? He said he had a leak upon brake application in the rear and the front is actually rotted to the point of having a hole. The lift axle ? Hard to say what arrangement is on that. Could be electric over air or all air ....or maybe even a make that doesn't even use air to lift ( like Neway) need some pictures of this unit
  20. I'm think'n that no matter what's leak'n on your truck ?? do yourself a favor and replace all four air chambers on the back of it. I'd suggest 4 MGMs . They cost a lot, and if you don't know how to change them you'd be best to let someone who does. You really can't go wrong with new chambers....unless you don't know how to change them. Between putting air lines back on and cutting the push rod to the correct length, let alone it's not impossible to hurt yourself with the parking brake they're nothing to play with unless you know. I think some of your leaks are from the air chambers . those gauges dropping with the application look about normal ???
  21. AOC will be pleased to hear of your repairing that puff limiter .
  22. I think that's the reversing relay for the puff limiter and the line going to the puff limiter taped up
  23. The ones I'm thinking of were kinda nice. A few used ones ended up around where I'm from. They were nice used trucks,and there's still a couple around
  24. They used to run around south east pa and nj. They had trucks similar to yours
  25. That looks like an old Capone truck.
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