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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. I'd get the red thing from your dealer by the VIN of the truck . I've seen them at parts places, but not sure the port sizes will be direct replacement on your's. Charging the truck from shop air ? not much chance you'll hurt anything. Joey's idea about going in the compressor discharge is a good place, and when it hits @ 120 you'll hear your air dryer go off. ( if you're worried about too much ) Likely charging in the primary tank won't hurt either. If this truck has leaks from valves you may want to consider finding that air dryer and replacing the desiccant at least. Only reason I suggested the governor was it's marked and probably easier to get at....and air will go in the truck much slower through a tire valve in one of those little ports.
  2. I'm going through the same thing. The dealer here just put two on a tractor that came with painted ones. I also see new trucks on lots with them and a variation of the same mirror without the lights. They exist....but getting them ???
  3. The CLs I had, the air dryer was right in the area about where the back of the transmission is. Mounted inside the frame. ( this doesn't mean your's is ) Yes the tire valve you mentioned, you can put shop air in there. The cutoff/ regulator ( thing with red cap ) if it's leaking, it's shot. The brake air leak is likely a diaphragm in a service chamber
  4. That's a cutoff for if the air drops too low. It's purpose is to stop air from going to something less important than brakes. ( like suspension ) they're regulated and colored for how many pounds they allow. With the truck shut off ? The gauge should drop as the lift axle is put down ( air's going to filling the bags ) there's reservoir ports on the govener that'd probably be really easy to charge the truck with shop air
  5. Anywhere there's air, there could be a leak. Your truck has two air systems, primary and secondary. Depending who tapped into where over time it's hard to guess what besides brakes comes from where. Grab the soapy water and put it in an old Fantastic sprayer (or something) After you find an air leak (look for the bubbles and different sound when it gets wet) you'll catch on quick.
  6. That small picture of the dash looks pretty clean, I think maybe some pictures of the whole truck might help 😏 Sounds like maybe something with that lift axle is the biggest problem, but it actually depends on what else is on that system. IDK if that's primary or secondary on your truck. You're gonna need to listen and start squirt'n soapy water . Once you find one ....you'll catch on fast how to find an air leak. Fix'n it ??? well that's another thing
  7. Do you really need to run ducting for the tip fan in this day and age ? Seems like K & N or someone should have some form of filter that would be easily adapted to it and not take up much space . (think like cold air intake on a Dodge) just a thought
  8. 🤔 something familiar about those pictures
  9. "oops" ? I think I speak for a couple of us that really appreciated that post. 🤔
  10. They were .Ade by Trucklite They do come on new trucks and they're waiting for the new supplier. Least that's what I'm told
  11. He's gonna be a little harder to get rid of than Pepe.....for doing the same thing
  12. Are you certain your air chambers aren't leaking internally ?
  13. IDK about where you live, but it's not uncommon here for them to rot under that plastic piece you found broken.
  14. I'm still think'n we're gonna need to see some pictures of this truck in question
  15. They aren't very big displacement wise, but they popped every stroke down.....so for engines that didn't make torque like modern ones it was kinda like twice the displacement ( kinda )
  16. They exist. I have the same thing ordered. Mine's on a CTP. I was told they're waiting for the supplier . Could be weeks before they show up. Mine's a CTP 713 001141 heated moto mirror and looks just like those. FYI these took a while to get back when the truck was almost new too.
  17. Looks like most of the vehicles in all these posts aren't rusted really bad. Thanks for sharing.
  18. I had two of those. They were tractors . The one in the avatar was just a big spec day cab, not sure where it was originally from. The other was from way up Mistissinni (? I may have spelled that wrong) That was a tractor too, but it was originally built with planetary rears. They both were exported by R. Neadeu (again, spelling may be wrong) in Lenoxville Quebec . Both E9s and both were a blast
  19. That lettering will come off and all, and feather in. If you stripped the doors to bare metal ??? certain angles you'd still see it right in the metal. Most likely old lead based from that era. You won't see it after prepping it as you have. I'm wondering how the progress on this truck allows time for so many pictures ?? Think I can speak for lots of us here.....keep'm coming
  20. My picture was a RW from The Great White North (lol)
  21. That door picture is quite a find. I hope that guy does have a picture or two of that truck from when it was in service. The repair on the bottom where the red putty is exposed would almost suggest that was done late '70s or early '80s (???) probably lead based paint on the lettering. You could strip that door to bare metal and you'll still see that burned into it. May want to have a good mask on when sanding 😷
  22. maybe there's a site called bighowotrucks.com
  23. I'm still try'n to figure out how he got an AI to accelerate at all
  24. I'd imagine there's a air regulator on there somewhere too. That may be contaminated with oil from the compressor too. That Mack is get'n some love.....I like it 👍
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