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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. usually they come with one folded up in a thing stuck close to them that resembles a shipping sticker, after years in service they easily blend in with the scenery being covered in dust of coarse this is if no one took it out at some point and never put them back
  2. Thanks for the pictures , impressive looking units .
  3. Love how that first picture captures the heat from the exhaust as that truck labors
  4. There's old trucks like that sprinkled at several of their quarries. Macks and Autocars . It's strange in ways to see their newer equipment , some isn't even that dark green color as was always a must. Kinda like seeing Kenworths that say H & K on them
  5. Kinda looks like someone's knee is better. Who couldn't love being a truck driver
  6. I wouldn't feel like you cheated the guy. Believe it or not (lol) not everyone feels the same about old trucks. Most on here would consider that truck a sweet find..... but some guys check out what they're worth as scrap 😲 What you paid is probably around what it'd scrap for ( depending on scrap prices ) Guy's probably happy to get what he's satisfied with, you're happy to have the truck, and I'd bet lots of guys here are happy it didn't get scrapped. That's a nice U
  7. AI most certainly is an EGR engine. I can almost remember the rigid line that hose with the hole in it rotting on those where it hides behind the engine on it's way up to the ducting from the air cleaner into the turbo.
  8. '05 is an EGR engine, and wouldn't have a turbocharged compressor (would it ?) 🤔
  9. That's called the hose that's going to make you buy a new compressor in this instance .
  10. I used to drive a B61 with an 18 and 22" rubber. 2100 was 53 MPH. Never knew what axle ratio was .
  11. Those two blue ones are pretty good looking trucks.
  12. Cut the hose or the fitting (don't forget if trying to unscrew the collar over the hose it's left hand thread I think ) then get a 6 point socket on an extension to get the rest of the fitting out. If you're worried about filings ? crank the engine over a second or two. What little is in there will pump out.
  13. They'll work, just need to be reset.
  14. If he moved it that much already, I don't think the autostops are gonna be much good.
  15. Like anyone else here, not trying to be discouraging. As of late another thing you may need to consider with an older truck is if you'll be able to work anywhere with it. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but any federal money spent on construction may very well have some kind of stipulations about compliance of equipment on those jobs. Then you'll be stuck with an old truck no one will have much use for. 2021 is not the best time to start out in this game, and no offence but some of the questions you ask suggest you're not in a position to be the lucky guy who makes it.
  16. You guys get the cool trucks, at the rate we're going here our trucks are going to resemble a Hoover vacuum cleaner
  17. Never really thought about a tractor pulling a mixer. Now I can almost remember one on the Mack calendar for December 2020. Wonder why they haven't caught on in New York ??? seems a 117K should be able to move some concrete .
  18. I see. Truck looks like it's in good shape.
  19. What's the pump (?) on the front for ?
  20. (lol) Can't believe how it looks ? I'm not surprised how it looks. I think back to when someone questioned if parts of it were stored in the house. Your response was " the wife might get upset " (or something to that effect) so at some point you must have thought about bringing it in ? ?? (lol) No surprise at all it's coming out nice
  21. You have to love the seeing the fan's reflection in that right side door. Truck's coming out fantastic, nice work.
  22. Holy cow (lol) just a though. Any spin'n at all with no oil isn't gonna help it. Guy found a nice old Mack there, I'd like to see him fire it up with no troubles and have some fun with it. I doubt that truck has ever moved at the speed that Peterbilt'll be drag'n it down the road at.
  23. Mack likes to call it "silastic"
  24. I would think those stacks should be covered so as not to damage the turbo
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