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Charlie Hatfield

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About Charlie Hatfield

  • Birthday 01/19/1951


  • Location
    Louisville, Kentucky

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    Old trucks,Old fire apparatus,
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  1. I looked for one to fit my 'BB' for several years, put ads in Wheels Of Time and Double Clutch before I found a reproduction. I bought one from Gene Olson. He is a former ATHS president. I don't know if he has another one.
  2. They have asked American Truck Historical Society (ATHS) to get people to bring antique trucks to fill in empty locations. I don't know how much space has not sold, because it always changes. It will be a strange show this year. I just wonder how much it will hurt attendance?
  3. Do you have any part numbers on parts your wanting.
  4. I agree with fxfymn, Doug Klink is very good source of know how much it cost to do different areas of restoration. Price depends on how far you want go into restoration. How perfect do you want it to be?, that is the question you need to ask to determine how deep to go in a restoration.
  5. Great story! If more departments would donate or sell reasonable more truck's to department with limited funds, it would be greatly appreciated! My younger brother is a volunteer at a rural department in Tennessee and they struggle to keep trucks in good shape and running. I think they have 3 CF's that are second or third hand trucks.
  6. That's a deal on a compressor rebuild. What is the name of the company, might need the information some time.
  7. They are not very loud. I took one off a 49 L fire truck because it rang all the time. I still have it somewhere.
  8. January 20, 2017
  9. how many are you looking for?
  10. Sharp truck, could be a future RV
  11. I think there is a company called Gaumer's suspension in Pa that makes it.
  12. Great story and timeline for a cool truck! Save your cardboard for the leaks.
  13. There is a web site called www.partsseek.com Type your drum part numbers in and see if anything comes up.
  14. Fire trucks never have had weights posted. If you license it as antique you shouldn't have to worry about weight
  15. In past years, I have helped fill unsold spaces with antique trucks through the American Truck Historical Society (ATHS) , but the last few years were always sold out!
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