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Charlie Hatfield

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Everything posted by Charlie Hatfield

  1. It's great to have a WIFE as your extra spotter! Mine tells me after we pass it!
  2. Cool truck!
  3. Mike I feel your pain, My "BB" has a similar problem. My gauge has missing parts( cap, rod, float ) I found a company that makes something similar. The company is in Michigan called Essex Brass. Their website is www.brassaircocks.com They are similar in size and design, but are not as tall, so it will make reading the level a little hard. They are called "liquid level oil gauges" I pulled my oil pan off my 4 cylinder engine and completely cleaned it out. It was full of sludge really bad. I also pulled my oil "filtrator" off and completely cleaned it. Im surprised it even worked. It was totally filled up with sludge!
  4. http://denver.craigslist.org/hvo/4627422745.html Here you go! The unknown is a "L" mack, Diamond T, and a Kenworth May already be gone!
  5. He may be talking about the brake spider that holds brakes together. If the differential spider was blown apart, you wouldn't go far and it would be noisey!
  6. Well I was going to tell you that several members in chapter have them, but I see you already know Ken Rabeneck (pictured).The tractors came from another member from Frankfort, KY
  7. You have a neat truck, the early "B" is an easy truck to work on. I have my "BB" stripped down to the frame. Parts may be hard to find, but i have been reusing all mine. I got a wiring diagram from the museum for mine and will rewire with new cloth covered wire. Some parts are universal with old vehicles of that era. Restoration Supply Co in Escondido, CA comes to mind. Look at their on line catalog and you may find some parts there.
  8. I would love to go, but too far away!
  9. Neat truck and history behind it!
  10. The #3469 was superceded to #400
  11. I'm heading to ATHS show in Springfield MO tomorrow with some friends. Maybe i can find some info there or similar trucks there.
  12. i am going to pull the oil pan and completely clean it. I think it has some pockets in it as there is still some oil trapped in it. I dont have a good picture of it, just a poor copy of an AB parts book that shows a breakdown of engine.
  13. I started draining the oil out of the pan after I cleared the sludge blockage. Some awful nasty slimy stuff came out of it and still has some in it. Took the drain plug off the filtrator and got another huge 24 oz cup of sludge out of it! I am going to take the filtrator and pressure relief valve and tubes to clean them out also.
  14. I agree with your idea on chrome and talked to the plater about this. It would have been ok to nickel them but the nickel will tarnish and it doesn't take that much more to chrome plate it. So thats what i did.
  15. No the steering wheel looked like that when I bought the truck. Don't know what the material is but different than anything I have ever seen before. The timing and throttle levers are being chromed along with some other parts by Shelbyville Chrome in Shelbyville, IN. I am going to change the tires from 32X6 to 7.50X20, those on their are some super old tires!
  16. I finally got the frame stripped down to bring outside to clean and start to paint. First time it has been out of the garage in 5 years.
  17. BILL HIRSH (hirshauto) make a good paint for frames and i think works better than POR15. Available in spray, quarts, gallons. Is located in Newark, NJ and has been in business a long time 1-800-828-2061 Seems to hold up good on frames
  18. The outside of engine is real clean, all aluminum is real clean. it was fairly clean when i got the truck but did cleaning and pressure wash several years ago. How ever that is a good idea. may do it anyway.
  19. Has anyone ever pulled the oil pan off the 4 cylinder AB engine on these trucks. I would like to take it off and clean the gunk that's probably accumulated in the past 85 years. Is this a big problem or should I not attempt this? I don't have any real breakdown of that engine. Also it has a "filtrator" as a filter on the side of the block. Is that cleanable?
  20. Neat looking truck! I saw a couple on good looking trucks at Macungie last year
  21. A friend of mine has painted a couple of trucks with Nason paint. he really liked it and did a good job.
  22. SuperDog I saw where you got a box of parts with your AB, would you happen to have an on/off switch or headlight switch. Mine are toast.
  23. I have a big manual for fire apparatus that has a lot of info in it, including the spicer 2 speed automatic. I don't want to sell it, but could possibly make some copies.
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