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Everything posted by tippatone

  1. I saw a Brocky in Astoria yesterday....was a cool sight
  2. Awesome thread....I'm on page 12
  3. Thanks....tell me about it...had a great time looking thru this thread
  4. These pics are great
  5. They're still around.... Not as much
  6. Thanks!!!
  7. Sorry to hear that...it sucks to have such a great truck phased out due to contract differences....you know alot about the old Brock....you own any? How far is Cortland from NYC....I would like to go to the museum and parade this year
  8. I was about to ask if brockway and autocar were the same manufacturer....I wish I had the chance to drive one of these things
  9. They look like workhorses...still see a few here in NYC
  10. ,Oh wow thanks....where they good trucks
  11. Freaking A my friend
  12. I wanted a nice starter tandem dump for a reasonable price....what is the word on Brockway? Parts easy to find?
  13. HaHa....I just got the whole Hi-Lo range thing licked then WHAM....two shifters lol....yes sir you are on it...their depot was in that area....I believe Castle was jyst brought out by a company named Sprague.....200 employees will have to take buyouts or work for lower wages
  14. That sounds crazy
  15. Crazy....that sounds awesome
  16. Hmmm....interesting. So you can go in reverse in 3rd gear?
  17. One more question...the the Pto is controlled by the 2nd lever
  18. I have fond memories of the older RDs like late 80s early 90s...I'm from NYC so we have these oil tankers delivering oil to heat our buildings...we used to have a company Castle...That delivery man was a hero to me...the way he unloaded that oil and drove that tanker....awesome
  19. topic moderation

  20. Thanks a lot that clear things up a great deal...how you like the RD??? I was in love with the Granite...but fell in love with the RD....
  21. Thanks alot...this site is awesome learned a lot just by reading what you guys go thru....thank you
  22. So its main stick=gears 1 thru 5.....compound= reverse,hi-lo...
  23. Is it possible for the admin.to remove this thread???
  24. First let me start by stating I am a rookie driver so I'm brand new to most of this stuff....in the older RD models I noticed two gear sticks....can one of you veterans please explain what the hell this is about....I almost crapped my pants...very intimidating....
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