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Everything posted by lamountain1976

  1. Right now I have the volt/air/oil pressure/water temp guages working. Nothing else works and there is no heat, which is probably number one priority, followed by the power divider. I am not quite sure what is going on with it...
  2. Thanks. They are pricey so I just made one.
  3. Okay good to know. I will have a look at it. Would you replace the compressor or can it be rebuilt?
  4. forget it...server fixed it.
  5. Bear with me, I am a logger and an experimental mechanic...but how is the reverse light wired? I have one mounted to the tower at the back of the truck, but there are no wires. And how does the transmission communicate that it is in R and signal the light to burn?
  6. Interesting. So this would have been mounted to the injection pump below the throttle lever, and (provided the dash switch is on), when I take my foot off the accelerator and the the throttle lever rotates back to idle position, it depresses the jake brake switch, which then tells restricts exhaust flow? This is one of the things that don't work on the truck and I think you can help me understand it. So then the dash switch is a three-way switch? With wires running to power, ground and the JB switch? And what is the JB switch connected to and how does the JB actually work to slow the truck?
  7. I tried to upload a more recent pic of my truck, but it just stretched the old version...
  8. Bastids..Okay it has a type of spring loaded switch on it, was found over on the right hand side of the engine and one of the wires goes to the Jake Brake (I think).
  9. I have recently started working on the electrical and air systems and finding lots of wires and lines that go noplace. I am looking for something to give me an overview, a starting place for troubleshooting this. Among the things I am trying to repair are the jake brake, the differential lock, the heater/ac and most of the gages. Basically everything? Can anyone offer advice or resources?
  10. That's a good point, about the trans. But sometimes it's instructive to see the engine work. It pretty much is my last move. I can figure it out. Thanks
  11. Yeah, it leaks down. Once I get the cab up aways, it wants to sag back down. Looks like most of the fluid is coming out around main cylinder or ram as you call it. I am hoping to rebuild the thing. The kit has many parts, mostly O-rings and back-up rings, but also copper washers and ball bearings. I guess you just tear the thing apart and match up seals, eh?
  12. Now that I have been climbing around the engine compartment, I understand better what you are describing. Given the fact that I can't find the parts I need, used or new, your suggestion is sounding better. Does your method accomodate the cab tilting forward without stress, and while the truck is idling? It seems to me, the original setup must have done this (and mine should as well), but I am not sure how... Just how much of the linkage did you throw out? I mean, I have most of the linkage, from the pedal down to the triangular, boomerang-ish, three-fingered part and then from the injection pump (governor) across the front of the engine to a lever. Really, I am only missing probably two parts, and one of the return springs over by the governor, but I don't think that's critical.
  13. The bottom of the dryer was all mashed in and no wires to be found. I sprung for a remanufactured canister. Just traded in the core. Two questions: first, what was the consensus? One wire to the ingnition thru the fuse block and one ground to the frame? And second, some of you commented on oil being pushed on by the compressor. Can you elaborate? I mean, so the compressor is lubricated with engine oil, and some seals are bad or something and the oil is leaking into the air system? Also, how would one tell if this is happening? How serious a problem is this? And how is it fixed?
  14. I looked around the area. No heavy truck salvage yards in Northern VA. New pumps are running 250 or so. I picked up a seal kit for 50. Just got here yesterday. Hope its the right kit.
  15. Is that from used sources or new? Suggested leads for parts?
  16. That is badass - thanks. There are no wires near it - I have to figure out how to wire this thing...what are your thoughts?
  17. I don't know anything about it. Perhaps you can help me out. Here is a pic from the side and the bashed in underneath where the heater element must have been. What is the canister that yous suggest replacing? And how to figure out what model, in order to get correct parts?
  18. Rather than replacing the entire pump, are there rebuild (seal) kits available to repair these cab jack pumps?
  19. In other words, I can't just hook it up. The cable is there, dangling, and looks like it fits into the receptacle on the top of the transmission. But I need to get some kind of adapter?
  20. I have been messing with the loader mostly, until today. Started tracking dead wires, lines, etc. One black plastic line (1/4 inch?) comes out of the front of the e6 motor (can't really see the connection) and terminates with a female coupling. Any ideas where would might want to go?
  21. I am going to piggy back on the previous threads...it looks like somebody found a rock with the bottom of the air dryer. When it's cold air pressure won't climb above 30 psi, cuz I guess the water in the system is frozen and the heating element is busted off. How do these air dryers work? Is it normal to drain a little water out of the tanks periodically? And what kind of maintenance is required?
  22. It looks like the original 14615 transmission was replaced with a 12609B sometime after 1991. The speedometer cable, is not hooked up. Assuming the cable is unbroken inside the casing, can I just hook it up to make it work again? And the odometer as well?
  23. Yeah man. Glad I found this post, its already been very helpful. Appreciate it.
  24. Thanks man, same back to you. Cheers
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