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Pedigreed Bulldog
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1965 last won the day on September 15 2019

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  1. In my opinion, all of the 2 stroke engines in a vehicle should’ve had fast idle solenoids on them like the busses. Those engines weren’t made to idle. The oil pans were 2 pieces in a 45 to 90 degrees configuration. Transmissions were a heck of a deal, the whole unit was something to see. the 8v-71’s were laid over pretty good in the 9500’s & brigadier trucks also.
  2. Idk about Woodward governors on Mack’s, but the Woodward governors used on 2 stroke Detroit’s had a filter housing that was just a reservoir for oil supply for faster starts, no filter inside. I honestly didn’t notice a difference. Mostly seen on gen sets.
  3. Thank you!
  4. Condolences to his family and friends RIP
  5. Doesn’t do anything for me either, but it’s better than letting the engine blow up like they like to do to the old 2 strokers.
  6. My condolences to you and your family.
  7. Hope you heal soon, I know the feeling. I always say it could’ve been worse. I carry a flashlight now like I do my pocket knife.
  8. I’ve stopped and asked a bunch of times like that, gotten some. Also just heard stories. I’ve also seen vehicles parked with not for sale signs on them.
  9. Very good wrong handed shifting,& driving wrong sided to boot. Is the pedals backwards on rhd truck? What foot you use for the throttle? Enjoyed seeing y’all’s country too. 🤙
  10. Merry Christmas everybody
  11. Them stihl saws leaks gas out them ragged tops. Better keep them turnt on the side when not running them, nonethanol gas is to expensive to waste.
  12. Bunch of them vehicles had Detroit’s in them. I’ve never seen that many in 1 place before. Some very nice rides!
  13. Happy Thanksgiving Everybody
  14. Thank you to all our Veterans!!
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