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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. All your work is amazing!
  2. 2019!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!
  3. I think the early 466 were tough good engines; I helped a buddy for about a year & he had a fleet of farmall trucks that he worked on for a company; the newer 1’s with the oil pressure bs injection & the egr coolers were very troublesome. They had some 540’s too. They were troublesome with coolers & harnesses & head gaskets like you mentioned. Idk if they made the 540 before the egr & oil pressure injection.
  4. If you don’t mind going 50, I wouldn’t fool with the expense or trouble in doing all that work. The way the world is now days your still subject to get the gestures! As long as your happy, I’d just smile
  5. Long time ago; don’t remember but I bet it was costly to bore & install sleeves. I could see on 1,cylinder but all 8?
  6. Back in the 90’s. Worked at a DD dealership. We worked on a bunch of Roadway stuff. Always thought the 3208 was kinda like the 8.2 DD’s. We did a bunch of R&R on the 3208’s for them. They were better than 8.2 for sure but always told they were throw away engines. Run till they quit & replace. Really don’t know but that’s what I was told.
  7. We need pictures!
  8. Always thought 89 was last year for that hood
  9. Yes; that’s normal, moisture; you just want to make sure you close the high side before filling. You can just pump it down on low side only. I always pump it down an close it off on gauges & check for 30 minutes & then I back off on the connector to the schraider valves. (Might have spelled wrong) because they are bad about leaking also.
  10. I thought the same; never heard him complain about anything; I just read a post & it backed me up where he had been in it; realized I hadn’t heard 1 of his stories in a while. Alaways liked his stories about trucking; This site really helped me out a bunch, when I had my trucks. I didn’t introduce myself proper but at the time I was trying to get a volvomack to run! I thanked everyone that helped me, if I didn’t I am now! Best information hands down!!!
  11. I agree on the plastic stuff from LMC. Just did some on older Chevy truck for a guy; door panels were cheap & brittle junk, he got his dash from I think classic truck or something; same junk.
  12. Looks in good shape for the age
  13. Haven’t seen any post lately.
  14. Great pictures & congratulations on the fiancee deal.
  15. The ones I remember didn’t have a sba, but they looked the same. They weren’t impressive.
  16. Is the WG model the same thing roadway ran a bunch of?
  17. They had a campaign, certain year models by vin. could get a pinning. They would drill a hole through bell housing into the locking nut to keep from backing off. Somewhere in there they knew which 1’s had locktite.
  18. It’s not because it’s at the rear; my understanding is that the idler gear has a nut that sets the tension & it’s threaded the way when it runs it backs off. (My understanding) why in the WORLD you would have it like that! I think now they use locktite. ???? Same as there cup & injector problems!! DD the flywheel housing held it. All the years I worked on DD never saw an idler bearing go down! Guess what I’m wanting to say is; them Volvo folks are stupid.
  19. Every fire truck I worked on had them. This in the 90’s working on Detroit’s. Should be a common piece. Should have a cutoff on batteries on any unit that’s not driven regular.
  20. I myself haven’t did one; but have read on here that some have pulled engine & some did in truck. If it’s as bad as you say, it’s got metal all in engine. Its a bad situation!
  21. Yep; gear train blown up; probably idler gear bad; your mechanic made bad call!
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