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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. Looks like they are protectors from them elimaintes from getting in
  2. Great pictures; man I really want me oysters now!
  3. If it’s sweating back to compressor on the suction line; most of the time it’s real close. Main thing is the high side on gauges are not too high. If charging it where no air can get to the condenceing coil then you’ll have bad readings. I always try to have in place so air can flow & have engine around 1500 rpms
  4. From my understanding those are some badass balers!
  5. I understand what your saying; BUT; Volvo/Mack trainer wouldn’t be good enough for me, just sayin. I believe the lower hp probably helps a bunch but it REALLY clarifies the problem. I don’t mean NO harm; just telling my opinion!
  6. I agree; just don’t see putting good money in bad money. Especially AGAIN
  7. I’d have an oil analyze on everything if I could; tells the story. Same place can do it all. Oil in every component & anti-freeze. You can do the fuel too; but on that engine probably not as useful as the modern 1’s
  8. I agree with all that, but are you talking about r&r injectors or just setting them; my bad you don’t set them, guess you are talking r&r. Really don’t get that.
  9. Until they fix injector & cup probablem; or if you can stand trading before warranty runs out, I couldn’t. Just don’t see trade in value on Mack’s until they fix the problems.
  10. That story has been on here; can’t really remember it all. Bad timing of it & at buyout maybe?
  11. I always thought them 4070 farmall’s were good lookin trucks! Worked on several with 8V-71’s & 92’s.
  12. Maybe; guess I’m too old school! Id rather have a coe than a set back front axle truck. Just my opinion.
  13. I wouldn’t call that a bull guard, maybe a calf guard, but truck itself is fugly.
  14. I was; that’s just what I read in manual.
  15. According to owners manual; your not supposed to range shift a 18sp trans. unless you come to a complete stop. Not saying that’s the problem but just what I read. I think the Mack trans is very good but not as unforgiving as the Eaton. According to what I’ve read on how you shift the Mack trans; makes a lot of difference. I know I learned & it helped. Everybody I’ve ever asked about that have Eaton drove them differently; you can shift an Eaton about anyway you want so it seems. Main failure I hear about is range shift problems & splits. & Mack is different. Also if you run in hotter climate, I think they need 80 90 wt oil. They’ll be a lot quieter & still shift good. I’m talking about the T318, haven’t read about T218
  16. Sounds like a very good test & tune
  17. Never heard of the iron duke
  18. I really like the chu trucks; why the couldn’t of made ch700, like the older R models? Put a little more hood on it for bigger hp!
  19. You should feel it pumping
  20. Beautiful rigs!!
  21. Knowing volvo group, the 18sp will probably cost more!! But the 13 just needs a tab cut off & it'll work the same
  22. If I remember right! The red split button is 13sp & the gray 1 is 18sp. The transmission’s are the same!
  23. Mp8, I had took 200 pumps on priming a fuel filters change. volvo got it going on!!! Lol!!!
  24. They must have more than they can do!
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