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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. That 2 stroke wouldn’t take off with 300lbs in it
  2. I’m hoping the best for you; hope they reimburse you on all down time if they fix it!!!
  3. Why would you rebuild it? It isn’t wore out just some of the time. Just got to troubleshoot it & fix it. Buy another truck & you'll eventually have same problem. All of them have problems, just got to fix it from time to time. If you don’t like the fixing buy you new 1 & trade before warranty goes out. Have you done what these great fellows have asked?
  4. Your shop & trucks & knowledge is very impressive!
  5. Maybe this adventure will put Volvo in a place they will have to sell Mack. But after Volvo has run off all the good Mack folks & engineering, who would want them?
  6. Hate it for you; thanks for update
  7. Mack has a heavier 13 & 18 spd box too. T318L21 & T318LR21. Only the LR models can be used in low or high range reverse & shouldn't change range while moving. The reverse deal is the same in all 13 & 18 trans.
  8. Why would you go there? Lots of work & money
  9. Volvo North America has NO EXPERTISE in anything but messing up stuff!
  10. Fender flares says cat power; good lookin chevy 4wd, looks to be 69,70?
  11. 10WD, like to see that myself, you probably have it posted somewhere but haven’t seen
  12. Welcome; what’s the specs?
  13. Surly they have it in by now
  14. Read today somebody got escorted out of her trip to Georgia? Doesn’t David Wild live there?
  15. Was hoping for the rest of story. Ha
  16. They must not be the same folks as the vullafa trucks
  17. I guess I’ve got to rant. These cabs have been out for years! Why in the hell do they have this problem? Bullshit! I’m done
  18. Very nice fleet
  19. Fellow had that he’d might forget to wash somethings! Lol
  20. “New” common rail? Did they come out with something besides that Mickey Mouse thing they call common rail?
  21. Stop drinking beer! That’d be my last resort!
  22. Why not go with the Allison?
  23. Gotcha; my deal is different, thought pintle hook would be better than the goose neck were using on a 4500 truck. Goose neck a pain to hook too, but you can turn sharp
  24. Curious; what’s bad about the pintle hitch trailers?
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