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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. That air cleaner looks out of place. 6V53’s were tough engines but not designed for trucks. (My opinion) no 2 strokes were designed for trucks! Stationary engines
  2. When was this picture taken; blower cars probably pretty rare then?
  3. BMT!! Best group of people!
  4. Merry Christmas
  5. Paul, I know you probably already know this but from my understanding a lot of the old Lunati guys (before bought by comp cam) went to Bullet cams. I know mr. Joe & Joey personally. My understanding the bullet cam is a true steel stick where the new Lunati cams & comp cams are not actually I think Lunati was bought by Holley
  6. Are you sure the date was 2016?
  7. Worked for a buddy of mine for a year mechanicing. Worked on couple 4500’s, pulled heads off 1 duramax (impressive engine compared to power strokes; my opinion) easy to work on compared to p/u’s. Helping a friend now that has an 04, 4500 he bought used from an abusive place; very impressed with drivetrain (pulling 450 jd dozer on gooseneck); but hard to find parts for now. ( interior parts) since they quit making them. I like the looks of the new 1’s coming out. My opinion again they need a gas option; me personally with the gas engines today; I’d rather have it compared to all the bullshit on the diesels & price per gallon. But they need a big block instead of the 6.0.
  8. With all that information, somebody will have the solution probably
  9. Everybody; wait; (lots of people needs these)!!!!
  10. Glad I haven’t been asked to do that; never would’ve gotten a true rotation!
  11. We know you can’t get your wives to do that
  12. They need to upgrade where they mount the fuel filter’s; so does GM on there duramax!
  13. Service dept can print out some sort (half ass) sheet; doesn’t tell you much
  14. Parts dept can tell you gear ratio with your vin #
  15. I would find the truck you want
  16. What trucks?
  17. They need the greater engine accessibility to do the injectors every 200,000 miles or less
  18. What about 1 of those Fitzgerald gliders
  19. Wouldn’t think it would need overhaul
  20. Thinking back they had a farmall truck, single axle that had a big 6cyl. Probably late 60’s model; it pulled great; but got a 70’s model Chevy & 427 & changed carberator on it & it was a bad dude; couldn’t put anybody in it.
  21. When I was a kid; the fellows I helped in farming, had a 60’s something model farmall bob truck; (345 I think) tough as nails, block had been welded where it had frozen. Ran like a champ but was very hard to hold in the road. Good times! Taught me a lot
  22. Nowadays you can’t listen to dealers; nobody there has experience; just what I’ve learned
  23. Idk what he said, but I know that’s good folks!!
  24. Happy thanksgiving
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