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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. I did
  2. What does (bump) mean?
  3. Good deal; that's what I was going to suggest next If you had return going back to the tank; worked on a bunch of them & never saw the relief valve stick in the pump but knew it could
  4. They have injecter & injecter cup problems; I would sugget you read all the info on this site; some are in modern trucks & some in engine & trans; problem to my knowledge they haven't been fixed; they are coming out with a new so they say "common rail" system; looks like a Mickey Mouse deal they had bullgear problems also; suppose to have that fixed there water pumps unless they've fixed them; they are something that looks like would go on a 4cyl. car; they don't last had to do injecters & cups & water pump on mine with less than 250,000 miles; very expensive; those things are not suppose to wear out in that few of miles; my opinion
  5. Driven Mack trucks all my life; I like an all Mack components truck; own a 12 model now; the mp8 is the only reason I wouldn't buy a Mack
  6. Hope the best for you
  7. Why buy a Mack; if your not going to get maxitorque or Mack rear ends? For an mp8? all other brand trucks are cheaper price & you want have to make those 2 decisions
  8. Why aren't you running maxitorque in your macks? really like my 18sp maxitorque
  9. I'd see if you can see return in tank if not remove return line & blow back in it; not lot of pressure; hopefully it's got a little shellac build up; those return lines & restricted fittings can be in a terrible place to get to; according how it's plumbed; take it loose at easiest place first & try; checking fuel pressure is done at secondary filter head on "in" side; should have another 1/4" pipe plug you can screw into; 20# at idle 60# noload
  10. Need to check & see if your getting fuel from return line; dd engines use a restricted fitting to make fuel pressure; it could be stopped up
  11. Should be fine if you fill filter up good; crank & hold throttle down bout halfway till it clears up good; probably secondary filter; if primary it would been sucking air
  12. Shouldn't be allowed to put bulldog on the hood, especially a gold one.
  13. If it has old style rack; if 1 is hung all are; new style they are spring loaded individually; you should be able to tale by working throttle & kill; if both are mechanical; I would pull kill & whirl over & ease it in till cranks & have plywood to shut air off if it doesn't have emergency kill if it has no emergency kill & no one changed racks it should have newer style spring loaded 1's; but if more than 1 or 2 injecters are stuck governor can't over ride & it will still run off been sitting up 2 yrs I would make sure to have a way to shut air off
  14. Merry Christmas & prayers to all of them & there families!!
  15. Merry Christmas everyone!
  16. 1965


    I'm confident he's in a better place my condolences to the family
  17. Good lookin fleet; great to see you take after your great grandpa
  18. Guess I've quit; but started drinking Miller in them pony bottles; then to bud; then bud light; then Miller lite back to bud light & bud select: anyway ended with bud; & if I drink 1 it's a bud
  19. Well what's the good beer named?
  20. WOW!! always used 12"roll flashing; buy big enough roll can do any size rims
  21. Pulled flywheel housing off; nut seems to be tight; just going to stake it up; not much meat there to stake; everything looks good; can't find socket to check torque but can see the loctite & looks as nut hasn't moved any suggestions
  22. Looks like a 6V; should be around 335; blue tag on left bank valve cover by exhaust manifold will have all information
  23. Nascar anything would be better than it is today
  24. well gee Wally
  25. My truck was built in 11; looking at flywheel housing there's no plug; I've watched the u-tube video & my flywheel housing doesn't look exactly like 1 in video; the line they tell you to remove is in different spot; just wondering if this maybe a tell tell sign of updated engine; having to r&r clutch & was going to pull flywheel housing off to check bullgear; but didn't want too if it had updated gear; research with Mack has been no help; also was wondering if you could see with camera from top or bottom thanks for any help in this matter
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