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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. I’ve seen rags f’up a lot of things over the years
  2. You probably would’ve had, including me, BUT waaay tooo many pictures to look at than to think about come back response.
  3. I’ve always heard same thing & I would call myself a mechanic back years ago! I always forget to do it but not hauling far. If it has a muffler on it, I don’t see it being as much problem if it were straight piped. I do understand the reasoning. I do cover when I think about, but I forget a LOT nowadays & always in hurry. Always been lucky too.
  4. Start you a topic on best of TRUMP, if that’s what you want to talk about. Just do it in. (Odds & Ends).
  5. The TOPIC IS BEST OF BIDEN, doesn’t say anything about Trump. Why don’t you say something best of biden??
  6. It’s amazing how simple it is, if you don’t like topic in (odds & ends) then don’t get on it.
  7. Well it’s a green on green tractor that looks good, sounds like it has 8V-71 that sounds really good & a trump,pence 2020 sign
  8. It did for me
  9. I love the truck, if I had ordered it I would’ve specked some things differently. It’s a long ways to MS. but I feel like it will be too high priced for me. It was just at 7,500 last time I looked on proxi bid. Thanks again
  10. Did you notice what wt. rating the rear suspension was? I know it’s an RD but I know Mack back then would build a truck anyway you wanted.
  11. Thanks for analyzing it for us!
  12. This truck for sale says operating range from 12-2100. Econodyne on hood, says it’s 300 maxidyne engine?? Gold dogs
  13. Why does it have econodyne on the hood? I’ve seen several trucks like this, 300 maxidyne & 5spd, all Mack truck gold dogs with econodyne on hood. I think I’ve only seen 1 truck ever that had maxidyne on hood.
  14. Picture 21, never seen an air tank like that, also looks like it might have a little bubble on door. Sure wished it was closer to me, don’t see them that clean around me but I’m sure it will be way out of my budget anyways
  15. Can’t tell if has air ride cab? noticed it doesn’t have the water filter & I don’t see the canister type oil filter (can’t remember exactly what they call it). It is too short really, wonder what axle rating it is?
  16. It is most definitely, but lot more nicer if a 350 with 9spd.
  17. I thought I read on here before that the dogs on the door were a Canadian thing?
  18. It’s very nice. Be interesting to see what it brings. You think the 5spd will hurt selling price? I guess it will probably be bought & not worked
  19. I haven’t driven 1 myself so I can’t honestly answer that, but I know garbage trucks has run them along time running in out of landfills. I’ve never heard that the converter wasn’t locked up in low gear, that seems hard to believe.
  20. These dump trucks are newer trucks. The newer stuff is electronic. You didn’t see many in older trucks because of the $$$ & people knew how to drive standard shift. Those older (750 I believe) were in them back when I worked for DD & Allison dealer. They were in buses & fire trucks. Saw 1 in a peterbuilt for heavy haul truck that was high hp. They would do the job. You just need to drive 1. They have retarders & all back then too.
  21. The true automatic (Allison) in dump trucks around here will out perform any standard. They’ll go places offsite that standard want try. There quicker off red lights too.
  22. Story time: There was a 4300 for sale on AuctionTime in TN, close to me. Truck was very clean inside & out. Can’t remember the farm name still on the door but was at a used equipment lot. Had 8V-71, I’m an old DD mechanic & I needed like I need another hole in my head, but I called place to go inspect truck before auction & they had sold it! Made my blood pressure rise & I told them & Auction Time what I thought. AuctionTime deal messed me up on another truck too. Sorry bout rant but couldn’t help it. Those farm all’s are nice trucks!
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