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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. What would this cost new? why would someone do this; buy it & store it put that bad boy to work? guess every seal in it would go to leaking F model is very good lookin truck; right there with the R!
  2. Agree!
  3. Also worked on newer Fords & you can't get plugs out without them breaking off in head; then you got to do the retap thing;
  4. Didn't call anything a piece of crap; I've got friends that are dye hard ford; they were glad when ford went to an Aarm front end; 1 guy calls it Chevy front end on 2 wheel drives; got others that have 4wd & had 1 bought new in 1999 & it always had front end problems; he bought a new ford same time I bought my new gmc; said it it was so much better; I asked him when riding with him in his ford then how come he kept turning the steering wheel when going down a Straight rd. If we would have been in that gmc; if you turned the wheel that much we would be in & out of the ditches
  5. Yea that was my thinking!
  6. Wouldn't think that would mess your day up right there
  7. I buy Tshirts in quantity too; never buy smaller 1's; & been lucky to not need larger 1; nothing better than girl in Tshirt & if it's got a picture of a dump & bulldog that's a big plus!
  8. Never seen a FORD that the front tires wore evenly!!!
  9. Got a buddy that put straight pipes on his 427; sounds good; & not to loud in cab; more than I would want to listen too; now that I'm 50!
  10. That's good information!!
  11. Gotcha bout that gumbo; had a friend that lived in ark. & lived bout 40 miles away from him in MS. Just across the bridge; we ran skinner tires because our ground had clay I guess; went over there to pull him out & the gumbo just about tore my fender wells out; long story short; you got to know your ground! gumbo is whole different world riding 4 wheelers the mud just sticks to your tires!
  12. Looks like that's some dumb ass!
  13. I havnt bought new truck since 06; probably never will again; always GM man; never seen a Ford that would out do them in any way; I don't like the problem that GM did; probably wouldn't buy a new 1 because of it; but I never seen a Ford that could run or haul what a Chevy could; there front ends were terrible; you can ride in a Chevy loaded or unloaded & you got to drive a ford!!
  14. I would think a bunch of folks in US would buy farmall if they could get the new improved E9
  15. Yes; my 345 lawnmower has Kawasaki engine; John Deere small tractors have yanmar engines; & there diesel lawnmowers has yanmar engines
  16. Should've gone on & spelt it out BULLSHIT!!
  17. Kubota makes a pretty good tractor; I've got a 105S; knock on wood; it's always ready; not as nice & user friendly as Deere
  18. I delivered 2 Brinks trucks; ford 450's I think; had a cubby hole to go in & close door; behind the cab; flash a card to get into cabin; could not exit regular doors unless an emergency; told the guys at Brinks when delivered; (they weren't paying my dumb ass trucker advise attention) & luckily got my paper work signed before I unloaded; when I left; guy was in first one with alarms going off
  19. Fuel is what makes the boost; when i r&r the injecters it made it seem like it had the 505hp; it will pull bury the needle now 40psi
  20. Yes it does!
  21. Looks damn good! almost as good as them winfall wimmins!
  22. Flicks is short for the last name Flickash; he bout owns Potts Camp; or least he did have been there several times
  23. OD you close to my hometown; when in Memphis; beautiful wimmins here too, but not as good as the winfall!!
  24. Injecters
  25. That has gotton to be common if you go to public places; or go & do anything; I hate it!!
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