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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. Must not be Detroit powered
  2. My believe is that it's the best thing you can do I try to do it often & I know I need to do more
  3. Engine Light came on today; SA 0 SPN 3226 FMI 12 found thread on here that said nox sensors needed replaced; did that but light still on & want let me clear; with stalk switch; just wondering what to do next; thanks
  4. Let us know what you find out
  5. I think so my truck was missing & I thought it was the road causing it; it would have a vibration at times but it was my injecters; diferent truck but same type deal; mine wasn't constant at firist; that's why I thought it was the road
  6. Think you know what the problem is but you don't know it; think it's your power problem
  7. Not trying to be rude; but if you have things that need fixing; then yes
  8. I've heard more than 1 say they had the problems & it was from a cheap brand tire; I'm not saying that's your problem; just saying what I've heard
  9. Those pictures were when the racing was good!! they have ruined nascar racing; my opion
  10. That is GREAT NEWS!!!
  11. Thank you for all your information; but I was really wanting to know if the mp10 injecters had a different hold down system; or if the cups were different; or injecters made different; don't understand why they aren't having the same problems as the mp8 or7
  12. What is the difference in the mp8 & mp10; they claim there not getting the common rail & I haven't heard of the injecter & cup problems
  13. My advise is to read all the post you can find on mp8 & the 08 thru current; injecters & cups seem to be the worse part of them & I don't think they have them fixed yet; other than that take very long test drive I really like mine; but had to do injecters & it only had 205,000 miles on it If I had a good truck & didn't use it that much; I would wait little longer until they get there stuff straight
  14. Wonder what she was doing bent over; wasn't pulling her pants up for sure if I ever get a chance I want to go to WINFALL!!
  15. It really makes me think that they don't think they have a problem; just wanting to say they have a common rail system; just have to see if injecters last as long as they should; this is why they went to common rail isn't it?
  16. I can understand this set up in trying to fix all the older MP engines injecter & injecter cup problems; BUT I wouldn't want this in a brand new truck; would have thought the new man from scania would have thrown this set up out
  17. He's got the T's covered!
  18. It's becoming a long list of great ones leaving us Merle IS #1 on my favorite list!!
  19. He was a legend!
  20. Hope to get well soon like the pictures of the week them winfall wimmins aient bad to look at either "when I have time"
  21. He always says he aient got time for them; I knew that was only a cover up
  22. Must be fooling around with them winfall wimmins!!!
  23. I agree Doesn't make since that Mack can't fix the unit injector design; has worked fine for a long time! Not saying they shouldn't go to common rail; just they need to fix the problem; lot of trucks & owners that needs this done; lots of 08 thru 16 or 17 models that's not really going to be worth a squat ($$$$$) it also makes no since in putting anything fuel related in an oil enviroment unless you have too
  24. Happy Easter everyone
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