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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. Truck REALLY looks great!!
  2. I had 1 John Deere tractor that still had r12 system & it had small leak, had to add a little to it every spring; when I ran out of my r12 stash I was going to covert; friend told me he has always just put 134 in & go on; so that's what I did; been 5 yrs now
  3. A buddy of mine bought that value liner from jakebrake86, & on the hood that risen part of the hood that goes across the front where the dog stands also goes down the center of the hood; & makes it look good too
  4. You are definitely interviewing in the right direction, for best success
  5. Rack inspector's rack is nice, but her legs & what they attach too are incredible!!!
  6. I use my IPhone 4s to look at the BMT; that's all I have; I like looking at latest topics; when I look at 1 I then hit my back arrow on bottom of phone & it takes me back to latest topics & I choose the next 1 I want to look at & so on; but after I do this sometimes it does it after 2 or maybe it will not do it till I back-up 6 times but it does it sooner or later it takes me to the old format; to get back to latest topics I have to close out & start over im not good at all with computers, but maybe someone could direct me in right direction; never had this problem with other format
  7. That's a hard question to answer; I guess 12 & up; they have just the nozzle for 7th injector; (newer style) But they have injector problems; even though they have the stainless steel injector cups 08-09 had problems with injector cup issues (copper); then they went to stainless steel; also the seats are different where injector seats; not interchangable real good long test drives are important; if injector is acting up it will have hesitate in throttle; or stumble up around 1400 rpm; should be a good smooth even pedal all through rpm; I've learned the hard way; I would also figure on pulling dpf & cleaning
  8. What I was told; 08 thru 10 were 485; when they changed to new scr engines they bumped hp to 505; don't think you can make a 485 to a 505 because of model yr also if your dealer charges what mine wanted too; for changing 425 to 485; you'll find another truck spec 'ed the way you want it
  9. How does the Mdrive make tire wear so much better?
  10. Check fuel pressure on the in side of the secondary fuel filter
  11. Fuel pressure should be 60psi at noload speed 20psi idle; pull return fuel line off at tank get it where you can put it in filler neck or 5gal bucket; if it's whitish in color it has air in it; you stick your finger over line for second or 2 & then release it should be clear; then it will go back to color it was if it has air in it; start at tank & go to primary filter then to pump checking if return looks good you can put check valve in suction line at the in side on primary filter
  12. She looked like she might have been pissed off little bit
  13. The woman you had drank with at the bar looks like same 1 that had her heel caught in her rim?
  14. Very very nice!!
  15. My 2 cents would be to pull hoses off both sides & inspect; turbo seals are not like rubber crankshaft seals; if they are bad it will be fresh oil; to check is to pull exhaust pipe & intake off & shaft shouldn't have a bunch of end to end free play; shaft will have up & down cause the seals are metal rings; as long as impeller not gouging housing it's ok; That's why they recommend high idle also to keep turbo spinning faster so it seals oil; if all looks ok I'd put back together & load it & then reinspect; also if turbo bad lot of oil & should be smoking like hell blue smoke Also fresh oil not shiny like new; oil coming from pressure side of seal; not slobbering back from intake side; like coming from guides & such You've seen trucks where they have been idling all night or long time; then pulling out leaving after this & smoke like hell for a little while that's slobbering My opion
  16. That truck was at the airport when I was young; knew some men that worked there; think it was the 33's station house
  17. I don't know how many but I've seen a bunch of different grilles on R models & in my opion that is the best looking 1
  18. Was told by friend that owns glass shop they use denatured alcohol; with lots of rubbing & razor blades
  19. That's going to bite OD in the ass 1 day; that Plymouth is going to lay down on him & them winfall wimmins are going to drive wright on by him leaving him stranded
  20. Thanks; I should have thought a little bit
  21. What is that mounted on the top of the cab above driver door?
  22. My truck has the AL suspension & I think it rides great for a truck, but it is 225 wb & I know that makes lot of difference too; also hadn't driven too many air rides
  23. I noticed that 2; just thought it was because of that "special" winfall place
  24. My local dealer doesn't do an overhead after an injector r&r; well I'm wrong; at least 1 mechanic doesn't
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