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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. Looks like doing nice job; don't understand the jalopy part; looks like nice truck for what I can see of it; just curious was the 350 messed up?
  2. hkIf it were a bulldog out there would you have picked it?
  3. Put several clutches in putting all on input shaft; all you got then is to get in pilot bearing; tighten bell housing then turn & install pressure plate bolts; easy & quick
  4. Yea that's what it is; Thanks
  5. Was going to adjust clutch & can't find adjustment mechanism; or just don't know what am looking for; clutch brake works fine but pedal lets to far up for my liken; seen a lot of different styles in my day but not like this; unless I missed it; anybody know about this type I would appreciate any information; thanks
  6. Use a flat file on both sides & clean real good; they make some spray on magni flux stuff to check for cracks; I've used it before; works good
  7. They got the Maxidyne (M) They got the 6 speed Maxitorques T306G TM308 TM308M TM309 TM309M They got the top load rearends
  8. Nice
  9. What is in front of that roller; some type of plow to knock the rows down; never seen one of those; have seen & drove plenty of them 86 series (farmall's) IH
  10. Thanks for all the information; don't know what am going to do When the common rail engine comes out reakon how long before we can trust that they have it right? Sold my 09 model because scared of having cup problems, knew it had 2 replaced (copper) got a low mile 12 model thinking at least won't have to worry about cup issues; thinking ought to trade this for a new one & get best warranty then trade when the common rail engine comes out & have some warranty still left for maybe good trade in value; but hate to be the ginnie pig on the new engine
  11. You are just talking about injectors; the cups should be ok The only problem I would have if something has to be programmed into computer; I'm sure it is but could I put them in & then take it to the dealer & let them program it; or have them make a service call & come to me & program it; I really rather do it myself; My dealer is in memphis & they just don't have good attitude; at least the mechanics I've talked to & service manager is no better; that's just my opion. Thanks
  12. Ok sounds good
  13. I think I sent you a pm Just letting you know I've lived in OB my entire life; I'd be happy to help if I can
  14. What do you mean when you say (be careful) when it becomes a full blown miss between 12 & 1400? Is it something I can harm or something; I have only felt that 1 or 2 times; also can I change the injectors myself; I would rather do it myself where I can run the overhead myself; don't trust my Mack dealer Thanks
  15. I just bought a 2012 Chu; I have noticed that cutout before; my truck doesn't seem to pull good in that 1200 to 1400 rpm range & I have felt a cutout; my question is do I need to put injectors in; or have them put in or can I run it till it gets worse; seems like it does good above the 1400 rpm range; what would you suggest? Thanks
  16. Yea I plan too; I feel like I have a good relationship with the analysts that did my 09 model; I called them when got my results from the 12 model to verify all the readings they were Analysts, Inc. (Steve good guy) helped me out When the guy at Mack where I had the firist experience with def tank he ran a manual regen & everything looked great with the proper numbers; you know when doing a stopped regen your engine goes through cycles where engine changes tunes; I asked him he said that engine is opening & closing egr valve & turbo changing it's vaines to build heat; I asked about settings & he said all was good or regen wouldn't done right Wonder if it's a tps setting or maybe a bad tps; just really feels like it's in the pedal Or do they just go bad & no response at all
  17. i had them clean it for good measure; the 09 truck I bought from dealer also; they said it showed it didn't need cleaning got it home & reading & listening to everyone (270000 miles on it) I pulled it apart for my curiosity; they service writer at Mack where they have the proper machine to do said it was the worse she had seen; so I told myself I would have done if bought another from dealer Def is another story; according to salesperson that all there used trucks gets the regen & total system checked out firist to make sure all that works proper; well I didn't even open the top on the def tank; bought this truck 600 miles from me & about 200 of it coming home had service light come on; long story short someone had knocked the guts out of the def tank ( the top part where the little fill up nozzle goes in; laying in bottom of tank along with a tree stick & trash; anyways the put new def tank & pick-up tube & filters on it; when I got home by there local dealer; when you turned the truck off the stuff would leave away from filter then it would work so got home with 1 more stop; anyway filled it completely up & haven't run it much but needle has moved a little but haven't put many miles on it running local; burnt almost half a tank of diesel (175 full) needle on def tank has move from past the (F) mark to covering the (F) mark I had all oils analysts done but it had a fresh oil change; oil still looks very clean after the trip home & few half days of work; guessing around 1200 miles I really appreciate your opion & advise on it; it's really good folks on here with great advice; only if I could get half as good of help at my local dealer; sorry about me rattling on but couldn't stop. Thanks
  18. It's got 206000 on it; doesn't look like it's been off; I found out where the truck was bought new & checked for and on all work that had been done before I bought it; all updates done; made them pull dpf off & have cleaned & got pictures they sent me; my Mack dealer is hard to deal with about stuff like this; wonder if it's a way to check all the calibrations on it
  19. I'm fine with it; not going to spend that money; I'm used to one pulling down at lower rpm; I think it feels strong as long as you keep it above the 1400 mark; It does good on cruise control; but when it gets to 1400 it starts falling quick; you keep it above 1400 it feels good & strong; just curious had anyone else's pulled this way Acts kinda like the accelerator pedal is out of adjustment or something when starting off; like a dead spot;or slow response; I know the turbo has to adjust and all that electronic stuff keep it from smoking; but seems like something isn't in sink with everything; taking off from stop try to just ease it up & it gets up to bout that 1400 range & it acts like it wants to take off; it's been hard to get use too; since I'm more familiar with the older ones; & like I said didn't notice it with the 09 with the 425E;it was 13spd; I don't split the low side but if I don't rev it to 1700 between the low gears it's flat; falls on its face til 1400 then like a rocket
  20. 24.5 & T318LR maxi-torque
  21. It's got 394 rears; l don't expect it to be a race truck; as I said it doesn't seem to pull as good as the 09 425E did down to the 1200 to 1050 RPMS; it seems good up at the 1400 & higher; not complaining just want to know if it is right or not;
  22. If he is me; no it's got C on it; also says it when Mack has laptop plugged in; had all that done when I bought it because the vehicle details sheet they pulled up when bought it from dealer said it was 500M but valve cover said 505C and I had verified & also saw another Mack dealer hook-up lap top on another deal; I saw it say 505C Wished it was an E
  23. Well I'll try something different; been hauling some grain at 87000 lbs gross; in little hwy but mostly city traffic; not running today but I don't think it will pull at that low; it want pull that low in the low side gears; I've never watched boost gauge never had truck with one; I watched it to post this because most of the time that's the firist questioned asked; don't watch tach either but did watch it when it didn't feel like it was pulling like I thought it should; it want pull it empty that low of rpm; does pretty good when it's up between 14 & 1700; just curious if it should do more; the older trucks that did have fuel turned up would run more heat in the exhaust & I realize we're talking whole different ballgame with the no smoke set up just wanted to make sure it was getting the fuel it should be getting Thanks for your information
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