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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 1965

  1. When you are going through the gears where do you shift at? I have been turning it to 1700 to shift; but if you are in cruising speed & or have cruise set it seems to not like it below 1400; it's dead feeling at 1050 to 1200; it really doesn't feel like it's got 80 more hp than my 425 had; but if the boost is at right numbers & pyrometer is right number might just be me; haven't run it but 3 days & have loaded it pretty heavy. Thanks
  2. Just got a 2012 CHU613 with the 505C engine; was wondering what should the pyrometer read during a good hard pull; at 1700 rpms truck shows the best boost around 32psi; pyrometer got to 800 degrees; does that seem right? I had a 09 model & didn't have it long & it seemed to pull real good; it was 425E engine; the 425E seemed to pull good down to around 1200 rpms & pulled to around 1700; this 505c seems like it doesn't like to get lower than 1400 & pulls little higher on the top side; but did notice the boost pressure falling off after around 1700 Question is does this seem about right? Thanks
  3. Mine had a hole in the body part; think you put in acc. position and a brass spring loaded catch in that hole you push down and pull tumbler out; use a probe or pocket screwdriver
  4. Thanks I'll check that out
  5. I would like to know where the hot wire from those 2 switches goes to; the switches are wired & work just the wires run into a big bundle of wires
  6. I really like the Silverado; looks really good nice and tight
  7. Let's see pictures of the 74
  8. Looks like Howell's is fixin to loose one of there vacation trailers
  9. That's the way I change my filters also; all other new engines want you to put on dry
  10. Are the fuel tank air filter kits a update? Or do I need to put some on my 12 model truck
  11. Post a picture dirtymilkman
  12. I always thought they were amazing; was back in late 80's when I worked on tug boats; have changed bunch of connecting rods on 16Vs that would have engine problems & have water on top of piston; that air starter would crank it anyway; it would bend the rod or sling it out Also remember firist time I saw one plumbed up on fuel barge engine; was a blessing; replaced them hydro starters "fluid drive", remember one winter had ice on barge & pumped on that hydro starter forever; finally brought another tug up that had a rigged up air line & starter, swaped starter & got it going
  13. Not saying Mack every did this but I have seen engines from the factory with bearings being .002; also seen engines with cranks not stamped; I was going by you saying it didn't have many miles on it; would think it would have to have alot of miles on it to make a vibration & loose oil pressure
  14. Might have gotten wrong bearings put in it when built
  15. Sounds like you might should plastagauge it
  16. Man my dealer screwed me!!!!
  17. I really like the gold dog; I bought a truck that had one & gold coming off; wanted new one so I researched found if you buy new one from Mack it's over $120. I bought a gold dog paper weight for $79 & just unscrewed it; looked the same to me; paper weight looked like the older style hood ornament & base like comes on the R's without mounting holes in the base
  18. Its got a gold dog on the hood now
  19. Man that's great I'll check that out!!
  20. Thanks; buying from dealer I'll get them to perform one
  21. Fixin to buy a 2012 Chu wondering can I make it regen to make sure it all works even if it's not needing to regen?
  22. Ok thanks; truck is going to be at an auction; truck seems to run ok; how much would should I figure on fixing it or having it fixed? Thanks again; also found another 12 model; it does not seem as snappy as other truck both 505c with 18 speeds the snappier one has 379 rear other 398; the one that is less snappier had message come on the screen saying driver ( os setting) something; I didn't ever overspeed the engine? Sales person gave me print out of vehicle details it says MP8-500M
  23. Engine code (128) SA-0 SPN-5443 FMI-13 Test drove this truck & check engine light came on after I pulled these active faults up
  24. I am just shopping right now; have not seen very many 10's with what I want mostly been seeing 11s & 12's;
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