Well Nick, I have been a Dan Bruno fan since the beginning of 2005-2006 and have followed his journey/obsession myself to the point that I was taking notes, printing data, spending tons of man hours buried in old part books, chasing parts, trucks for my own RD build, and continue to do so only to be told by Mack the parts you need are obsolete and to hit the salvage yards for NEW 40 year old parts.. Even though we all know there is still a market out there and Mack should retool and reproduce them.
BUT, I am going to safely defend and agree with Dan's decision. The preservation of the concept in this case or build, matters more than the product itself. I also agree with Dan that Maybe the head honchos at Corporate Mack should take a stroll through here a little more and actually see and listen to what us consumers are saying. The last paragraph in Dan's October 5th post says and explains everything. There "CLEARLY" is a ring of truth to everything he is saying as well as everyone on here. Sorry if it sounds like a scolding.. But, a LOT of us that were raised in this industry made this movie part of their lives and loved the connection between the Mack and Convoy. That's what most of our Father's and Grandfathers drove. It's what we want to restore and drive now. Dan's Western Star concept makes total sense and if there was a reboot of the movie, and I hope there will be someday in the near future, those would be one of the two truck choices I myself would pick.
So Nick, I say now would be the best time to make a few calls to the Mack Engineering and Industrial Automotive Design Departments and sketch up some of those brainstorms you have been having and show us all some concepts and ideas.
Keep up the good work Dan!!!! A lot of us are happy with your continuation and obsession to preserve this historical vehicle and movie. Please stay on the grid and keep us updated and informed.. The truth does hurt, but I TOTALLY can handle it by the way!!!!!!!