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Amos V.

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Everything posted by Amos V.

  1. Please send me a pic of this seat. I am interested. Thanks!!
  2. Rob what would you charge for making a matching pair of these? Absent the steel brackets. I can fabricate the brackets myself.
  3. AWESOME!!! Great GoGo+ package.. Great pics too!!! Well, I guess I have to start buying up as many 1/24 scale Western Star model kits as I can to build this now. LOL.. I need some advice on my project too if you don't mind me asking. I'll PM you if you have time.
  4. Hey Dan, What power combination did you install in the Western Duck?
  5. That is great news Fuzzy!!! Hopefully they are affordable and versatile enough to be up fitted for all makes and models or with minor alterations. I will keep this in mind and forward.
  6. Nice project! Is this a factory A/C truck? If so can you send me some pics of the under dash a/c unit? Also, does your truck have aluminum front spring/bumper bracket braces?
  7. LOOKING GREAT Dan!!!! Are you powder coating the air cleaners and battery boxes? Love the blacked out Duck on the hood too. Are you doing the longer Grover air horns??
  8. No problem Trent, I am reproducing just about every decal for the truck inside and out made up. If your interested in a new air cleaner decal let me know. They were only a few bucks to have reproduced and look perfect. Mack/Volvo 🤢 no longer stocks or supplies them which I am sure your aware.
  9. Did anyone else find this on Facebook?? or reach out to the guy??
  10. I sent you a PM. Hope this helps you out brother!! Good Luck!!
  11. Sorry buddy I did not. I think it is long gone.
  12. Amos V.

    R700 hood

    Hey Brother, Are you still looking for a high fender R700L hood?
  13. Looks great Dan !!! "Martin" would be proud !!!!!!! Do you plan on installing the hood ornament? OR..... Just a thought...... Since we are kinda going in a new direction here.. Will you be casting your very own "REBORN" slightly similar version for the hood of this outstanding build??? Just a thought..
  14. That roll off looks amazing!!!!! I hope to build one in the near future when I get time... I built a replica of my Dad's 1987 R model and transfer trailer. Scratch built the back of the cab, stretched the frame and scratch built an Accurate push out transfer trailer. Some of the best times I can remember were in that R Model..
  15. Hello, Happy Thanksgiving to all. If someone has some free time or is looking to bail during one of those crazy family visits, I am looking for the decal on an R-Model dash so that I can reproduce mine. It is not the cold starting instructions, but the other one. Mine is obliterated and I am hoping someone still has their original they can send a pic of for me. Thanks, and have a safe holiday.
  16. Too bad so far away. Very needed on this side of the River..
  17. In addition to a picture or new battery box decals, I am also looking for a new air cleaner decal for Donaldson air cleaner model #2MD498A(Tip Turbine). The decal number is#4MR385-P4. I have called Mack and is long discontinued like everything else... Any direction or leads are greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  18. Does anyone have an extra set battery box decals available for sale? I am looking for the decals that say: BATTERY SERVICE WARNING. Found on R series mostly. Or if someone has a clear picture of one they could send so I can have it reproduced please let me know. Thank you!!
  19. Do you need part numbers or just a general request of what we are after and year?
  20. Well Nick, I have been a Dan Bruno fan since the beginning of 2005-2006 and have followed his journey/obsession myself to the point that I was taking notes, printing data, spending tons of man hours buried in old part books, chasing parts, trucks for my own RD build, and continue to do so only to be told by Mack the parts you need are obsolete and to hit the salvage yards for NEW 40 year old parts.. Even though we all know there is still a market out there and Mack should retool and reproduce them. BUT, I am going to safely defend and agree with Dan's decision. The preservation of the concept in this case or build, matters more than the product itself. I also agree with Dan that Maybe the head honchos at Corporate Mack should take a stroll through here a little more and actually see and listen to what us consumers are saying. The last paragraph in Dan's October 5th post says and explains everything. There "CLEARLY" is a ring of truth to everything he is saying as well as everyone on here. Sorry if it sounds like a scolding.. But, a LOT of us that were raised in this industry made this movie part of their lives and loved the connection between the Mack and Convoy. That's what most of our Father's and Grandfathers drove. It's what we want to restore and drive now. Dan's Western Star concept makes total sense and if there was a reboot of the movie, and I hope there will be someday in the near future, those would be one of the two truck choices I myself would pick. So Nick, I say now would be the best time to make a few calls to the Mack Engineering and Industrial Automotive Design Departments and sketch up some of those brainstorms you have been having and show us all some concepts and ideas. Keep up the good work Dan!!!! A lot of us are happy with your continuation and obsession to preserve this historical vehicle and movie. Please stay on the grid and keep us updated and informed.. The truth does hurt, but I TOTALLY can handle it by the way!!!!!!!
  21. I just bought a passenger seat and wheel from Alex G. He has some in really nice shape. Reach out to him.
  22. I am still having trouble locating this spring/bumper brace. Anyone have any leads?
  23. Hello Alex. I sent a text today. Let me know when you can. Thanks!! Amos
  24. Amos V.

    R700 hood

    Conti construction had an old cab with steel dash and hood in Old Forge. I am heading that way on Wednesday and will see if it's still there. Also, I am looking for an RS700L emblem for my hood if anyone has one reasonably priced.
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