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Everything posted by Ol2Stroker

  1. thanks guys. The primary reason I don't own a Mack yet is because they are hard to find with DD power!
  2. Coolant level sensor was known to shut down the busses.
  3. Duanesburg NY specifically. Thanks for the warm welcome. Here are a few pictures. The 359: I bought the niner from the original owners with 306k original miles on it. Pretty lucky to have found it. Story goes that it was parked 15+ years ago as it wasn't being used much and the owner blew the front diff in some mud. It sat where I found it untouched for 15 years until about 2 years ago he decided to bring it back to life. Supposedly got it running and replaced the bad rear. A year later he passed away from cancer and I purchased the truck from his widow. I have a build thread going over on justoldtrucks but I've just gotten the driveshaft back in it, put 8 good used rear tires on it, got it runnning, changed all fluids, and put 2 brand new 10.00-22s on the old school lock ring alcoas out front. It's very close to road ready, in fact I hope to register them both tomorrow. These trucks just made there way to me about a month ago. redneck loading dock. Here's the 352, although not as rare (in its current state anyway) it was a very rare truck in it's day with a factory v12 Detroit and twin air intakes through the 86" cab. It has some other oddball but documented options as well. Currently has an 8v92tta someone had repowered it with at some point. My plan is to get the v12 back in it. It's nowhere near as nice as the niner, but it's a running / driving truck. I'm sure it's done more miles than most lot lizards. I also have a 453t Detroit powered pickup and far more Detroits than the epa needs to know I own. There's some first start videos of both of the trucks etc over on my youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/Wayne64SS/videos Thanks again for the warm welcome!
  4. Hi everyone I signed up here because I genuinely enjoy talking about old trucks. Some of you may recognize my name from justoldtrucks etc. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't currently own any Macks just a couple ol Petes. I enjoy and appreciate anything pre-1990, especially those hard to find or rare optioned trucks.
  5. Awesome!!!! Thanks man!
  6. Fantastic post, thank you very much for sharing!!!
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