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Everything posted by Monk31

  1. Ok I will check what would the primer look like and where would it generally be located
  2. Ok I will do that where is the fuel shut off located and how could I tell if injectors are stuck may seem like stupid questions this is my first truck thanks
  3. I don't think I'm getting white smoke what could be the problem?
  4. I dont know where or if there is one unfortunately in fuel shut off you talking about the red stop knob inside cab? if so yes it is in not engaged
  5. Charged batteries, used torpedo heater, plugged in block heater, replaced fuel filters, added diesel 911, little bit of ether and still no luck truck will not start up opened up injectors a little there was some air in the engine there I was told truck was air locked. Would that keep the truck from starting and running getting a little frustrated on my this truck will not start. I havent opened the injectors on top of engine need to get an angled wrench. Also there was fuel getting to the injectors when tried to start with the injector opened a little.
  6. It is turning over slowly and not starting I am going to use a generator to plug it in and buy a torpedo heater tomorrow and charge batteries Thank you for all the support and advice. This is my first truck and and winter with it. I will let everyone know how i make out.
  7. Thanks for the advice i will give it a try unfortunately we where hit with a blizzard have to plow and dig out the truck before i can do any of this.
  8. ok will do going to give it a try tomorrow will let you know how i make out thanks for the advice
  9. Generator rating that I do not know it has 120 plug and a 30amp plug also
  10. 500-700ft i could use a generator too
  11. Is there a gauge of the extension cord or is a regular extension cord going to get the job done? Thanks
  12. will do thanks for the advice
  13. ok will check when plugged in.
  14. I haven't plug the truck in yet I am going to. I do get smoke out of the exhaust when trying to start the starter cranks and it doesnt start up if that makes sense.
  15. I can plug in the truck and i have added fuel additive to the tank is starting fluid a good idea thanks for the responses .
  16. I live in Massachusetts 1984 DM 688sx it has been very cold here after not running truck for about 3 weeks my truck will not turn over and fire up I have 3 12volt battery's hooked up any suggestions to getting this truck to get over the hump and fire up?
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