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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Gambi80

  1. Looking at the reciept, it was $648-my bad and they delivered it for free...but I'm only an hour from their place. Might take a bit more since you're 18 hours away. http://maasradiator.com/ Bloomington, IL.
  2. JUST for poops 'n giggles...Otherdog can you 'shop my truck and flatbed and load it with grenades...??? take yer pick
  3. Is it the arm that runs from the frame to the top of the diff? If so, it's easy as pie...4 bolts with an impact. I just put a new steel radiator in my truck for $600...I don't know if that's a fair price or not.
  4. If I were you, since you say you want to buy the truck but not drive it for a year and a half (makes zero sense if making a payment), don't buy it till then. Chances are if it's been sitting for that long, what's another year. If it's still around, fine...if it's not, no harm done. Trucks are a dime a dozen, just because it's old doesn't make it any better and just because it's new doesn't either. But since it's been sitting for 3 years, I'd count on replacing a LOT of parts. Mine sat for about a year before I bought it and I'm still replacing seals.
  5. Thumb through that thread I posted on the "puter tricks" to get an idea of what I was talking about. I was just curious how similar Mack is to a Cat. I'm sure it's quite a bit different, but the brains across all brands have to gather the same info off the engine.
  6. Tricking the truck's brain...putting resistors into a few sensors to give it more fuel.
  7. Well, I've got a 97 w/the VMAC II.
  8. Funny part though, I stirred up all the shit on here about there by posting a question on here, of which no one has answered yet.
  9. http://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/ask-an-owner-operator/108257-buying-87-freightliner.html
  10. Ahh...haha, ok I found it.
  11. Wtf did I miss?
  12. On this thread http://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/trucks-eighteen-wheelers/107353-fuel-temp-boost-wire.html on a Cat you can wire up resistors to the boost sensor and fuel temp to fool the computer into dumping more fuel faster, resulting in quicker spool up and a bit more power. Is this possible with a Mack...I'm sure mine's too old but on an E-Tech maybe...?
  13. The two I've driven...two 2000 460's, both idled pretty rough, kinda jumpy I guess you'd say...though I still like how those engines sound the best out of all of them...
  14. I would if I had the right plates! The more I pull the skate board the more I enjoy it. You have to buy a twin to your truck and have a guy drive it only in the summer so I can drive it in the winter...preferrably south of I-40 though.
  15. Your's is a 460 though isn't it? 25 max is on par for a 400hp I believe. Mine's just an all around DOG and it's pissin me off. Somewhere on here, one of the professionals said your 460 should touch 40lbs at times...that little whizz-wheel has to really be cookin for that I think.
  16. I remember reading something on here a long time ago about the hood vs. air cleaner alignment, I'll have to check that. The chrome intake cover deals have been on there for 3 years, far more time than I've had this problem. I used to be able to pull boost within 'spec'...30-34, but not anymore. 25 tops. Earlier this week the outside temps have been in the 80's and just accellerating up to speed the pyro climbed up to 1100 pretty regularly...driving down the road at part throttle 10-15 boost it's around 900deg. I think that's way high all around.
  17. Stop by here first and throw my truck up on your flatbed and have him look at it along with yours. BUT...be glad you two don't have that shitty 'stealth' brake like I have...I'd rather have one that makes noise, that's the whole point of one isn't it???!
  18. I think Rowdy outta go around to these signs with a machine gun and shoot words into them, something along the lines of f*&k you. And a couple years ago we drove non-stop from Orlando Florida back to north central IL...18 1/2 hours with 2 little kids.
  19. Remember...well you're prolly too young, but when Big Willy style Clinton stained up Monica Lewinski's dress and then celebrated with a cigar.
  20. Got to pull flatbed again yesterday. Hauled concrete barriers then some random crap. The thing in front is some sort of pile driver attachment for an excavator ($250,000 new allegedly), blue box is all the wires and what not for it. Tube is a tube and on either side of that are pilings. I'll say that I thoroughly enjoy pulling a skateboard, maybe I'm in the wrong bidness.
  21. I was just playin along but upon further examination I do see the stain. I vote we call the truck 'Monica'.
  22. A little febreeze will take care of that
  23. You gotta look for the 'dirty white truck' color on photoshop when you 'white' out the letters on yer truck! Maybe I should do that when I post pics of my truck...keep it all secretive.
  24. Stepped in a pile of gravy today...here's how I spent most of it... DoubleL needs a job like this, it'll improve the backin up garbage in a hurry. Picture quality is sub-par due to camera on phone.
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