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mackdaddy last won the day on February 28 2020

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About mackdaddy

  • Birthday 03/29/1962


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    southern oregon

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  1. Does anyone have either the article or the Bulldog magazine month/year that it was in? Mack used F models one equipped with a Cummins 335, one with a Detroit 8V71 and one with the V8 maxidyne. There was also some film footage on the trip to San Francisco. I remember that on the trailer of each truck was the engine HP 335,325, and I cannot remember the Detroit rating. They also counted the number of times each truck shifted as well as fuel consumption. I have the promo barrels for each amount of fuel each truck used. Of course the maxidyne used less fuel, shifted by far less, and arrived first. Thanks
  2. On the drivers side front top of frame. divide the first 2 numbers by 2 and that is the ton rating EX 15 is 7.5 ton rated
  3. Special Interest plates from Oregon and not for hire. Oregon provides an exemption to allow for me to gross 80k as long as I own or am personally renting what is being hauled. CA to date has always honored the Oregon exemption. The Oregon DOT actually posts the notice on the internal internet that the scales use so when I go across the scales it registers. The reason for this is that a scale is not enforcing the license plate but the legality of hauling over 26k lbs. Here is a few weekends ago when I trucked down to outside of Fresno, CA for a Tucker sno cat rally. Went through 2 Oregon and 3 CA scales with no problem and I was permitted over width but still under Oregon special interest plates.
  4. Thanks to 67RModel and Chris!! A few interesting takes on this truck. My friend Norm Taunton of Galt, CA has serial number 057 so one up from this one. Norm says that a grocery chain in LA purchased 10 of these new. They were red as well. But this truck has the Ford grill which wasn't uncommon as the Mack N grill was fiberglass and broke easily. And there is no doubt that the interior is Mack and totally different than the Ford version. But I have never seen an N model with single headlights? And the Stainless front plate is missing too. Here is a picture of Norm's and yes, he did stretch the frame to make the flatbed. Norms N Model.jfif
  5. If we can do some trading for cases! maybe some large bottle formats would be nice?
  6. I bought one and the guys love it! We have our share of Isuzu's and the Paccar COE and this hands down is a better truck and it cost less.
  7. Just who is he? What was his role at Mack? I always thought he just might be Jack Curcio??
  8. You are correct and only the ones that are back drop and have the Cummins Diesel cast in them will have the baffle that splits the cylinders into 3's.
  9. any one heard from him lately?
  10. This G model ran CA through the early 90's. Ran when parked!!
  11. I bet that B model belonged to an old demo contractor located in Shelton, WA at one time??
  12. I have a B615 and it came with the 864. I am not certain but doubt a 615 came from the factory with the 865?
  13. Yes it does! I have had Australian friends come over several times to drive it to shows and I repeat myself telling them to be aware that they don't think they are back home and move over into the left lane! We have had some fun times with a passenger playing with his phone or acting as though he is sleeping when another truck or car passes on the left!. I have had officers come out of the scale houses and walk around to only find no one sitting there.
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