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J Peeler

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Everything posted by J Peeler

  1. Do you still have the parts and do you want to sell them
  2. I like the factory cans but if I half to buy new one proubly be 13 vortex I can get them around $500 each I don't know about the factory ones
  3. Thanks I'll check with my Mack dealer see if they can c come up with some does anyone have the part number for the mounts the parts people at my dealership are young and don't try very hard to find anything for you hafe the time I haft to go behind the counter and look it up my self
  4. Thanks for the pics looks good I think I'm going to go with the same breathers and use kw brackets I'm building the motor now then I'm going to start on the breathers and then have it painted if I can ever decide on a color
  5. Thanks beautiful build I found everything factory on a truck in a junkyard waiting to hear back from. Did you fab the filler panels or they kw too I need to find the measurement for the panels then every thing else should be a breeze
  6. Thanks do you have any close up pic of yours. I reckon the frist thing to do would be to get the breathers mounted and it should show where the hood will need to be cut then make a filler panel
  7. Thanks for the reply.my main concern is the filler panel s and cutting the hood . I'm trying to figure out if I can buy any of it factory or do I have to come up with my own.
  8. I want to put 13 inch dual breathers on my superliner.does any one have a factory one with dual breathers where I can use vin for part numbers. Or any advice for getting me on the right track of what I will need.
  9. Thanks I trying to find one for my truck but I think I'm going hafe to buy one for another truck and fab mounts like Alex did
  10. i looked on there website today and they had a pic of r model with one on it but it said rd I emailed him and got a price on the part number advertised and he told me $ 3000 I yours looks better than there pic reason I was asking
  11. Do you know where or if you can still buy those bumpers I just put a new hood on my r model about 6 months ago I hit a deer last week busted hood and bent the bumper I'm tired of buying bumpers
  12. looks good im in the middle of redoing mine are you going to try to match the fuel tanks up im looking for a alum pasnger 110 gal tank
  13. im in need of pasnger side fuel tank mack r model 110 gal alum. tank
  14. Thanks for the pic I got to weld some tabs to bottom of after cooler
  15. My Mack dealer was able to get the oem grill does anyone have pic of the tabs that the grill mounts to at the bottom of the after cooler this is my first r model the truck was hit in the front trying to figure out hoe everything goes
  16. Alex I think found the grille I checked with another Mack dealer they said they could get it they called me and said it was here but I have not laid my eyes on it yet to see if it's the right one do you have the trim I trying to post pic of my truck no luck
  17. thanks I'm going to check with watts today I had my local Mack dealer paint my truck and told them to replace it but they told me they did not make one anymore but that could just be them telling me that thanks a lot guys
  18. Anyone know where I can find a replacement grille I bought an after plastic one from niu parts it does not fit any help or advice would be appreciated
  19. Almost $700 for regular pipe $1300 for chrome I used a y pipe for a kenworth w 900 for $180
  20. Mack dealer hurt my feeling when I called and priced the y pipe the other day for mine
  21. I just got mine back running wiped lob of the cam shaft replace cam and lifters in a went a head and had the fuel pump rebuilt wanting to have her painted and dolled up this summer.
  22. Sharp rigs u got there I want the factory pull pin cut outs I use the truck for logging and every now and then we half to get pulled
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