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  1. thank you! thats exactly what i was thinking and hoping! as long as the transmission fit the engine its easy to find a clutch for it, so im very reliefed now :-)
  2. Hi! i want to buy a detroit 4-53 engine and a 2 stick transmission for it, anyone got one for sale? cheers, kim
  3. Hi! i need a boggi for a truck im building and wonder which trucks had camelback style boggies and hydraulic brakes? ive found that many chevy trucks had it and also mack b models, but is there anyone else? did the r-model have air brakes from the begining? very thankful for any info! :-) cheers, kim
  4. Hi! im gonna build a truck with a detroit 4-53 engine and then i wonder what transmissions that will fit this engine, is it a standard bolt pattern on all the old engines? ive seen trucks with all kind of combinations engine/transmission wise, so it seems that most boxes will fit most engines, but before i start buying parts i want to make sure what i can buy for the detroit, so please post some info! :-)
  5. thanks alot for all the great answers! it helps me out alot, its not easy to find a truck to meassure from in norway, and i havent imported any yet. :-) im looking for a donor truck to use the axles etc from on a 1938 fargo truck, so i need to sort out wich types of truck i must look for. im also gonna build a rubber duck replica r model so im trying to learn as much as possible about old macks. i appreciate your help alot, this forum is the best ive ever seen, so happy i found it! :-) cheers, kim
  6. hi! i wonder i someone could do some meassurements of the framerails on a r-model and mh? i think they have the same dimensions, but i need to find out :-) ive found through research that the frames total width is 33,5" is that correct? i need the dimensions on the rails though, the width, height and thickness would be great! and if you have some good pics of the tandem assembly it would be great! :-) in advance, thanks! cheers, kim
  7. thanks for answering! i just like the looks better, atleast on the project this is planned for. so thanks for confirming that it can be done with hubs and brakes, it feels alot safer buying stuff when you know it will work out right! :-) cheers, kim
  8. Hi! i probably need to switch out the spoke rims with the plate type of rim, and after alot of research im still not completely certain what needs to be done, so ill ask here. is it enough to replace hubs and brakes? or must i replace the spindle etc too? if anyone here done this or found a description how its done, then i would appreciate if you let me know, would help me out a ton! regards, kim
  9. Hi! im looking for b-models in rough shape, im going to restore several macks and need both projects and parts-trucks, no truck is too bad! i prefer if theyre not incredibly far from new jersey, but everything is of great interest! most interesting is trucks with twin stick transmission, tandem, plate wheels(not spoke), 5ft wheel. but neither is critical. also interested in: detroit 2stroke 4-53t engine, whistler turbo from m-series military trucks. if you have anything that could be interesting please contact me! regards, kim
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