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Everything posted by TWJM

  1. So, since I have 3 already installed that need to be adjusted a little more...silicone is set up now, be wise to pull liners back out or tap down a little more?? Has anyone done that and is it ok to use some lube to install??
  2. Hi, let me start that I'm new to this.... I have a question on liner installation. How tight are the liners supposed to be when installing?? We are using a 5# plastic dead blow hammer and they seem to be awfully tight....is this normal?? The manual never said to lube the upper portion, that seems to be where it is really tight (last inch). We beat and beat, about .010 difference between 3 cylinders....ran out of time. I'm assuming after the silicone sets that you would not want to disturb it "try and knock the liner down a little more the next day"?? Are you supposed to lube or has anyone had this happen to them? Deck height seems to be a little high also but wouldn't the liner only go so far down anyways? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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