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  1. Barry's post in WTF! was marked as the answer   
    We are under attack from spammer assholes!  I looked into wildcard banning them but they are using VPN's and domestic IP's which could ban regular members from the same geographical areas so we can't do that!  They are also using all kinds of random email addresses that we can't ban either.  We'll just have to play Whack A Mole until they get bored and move on!
  2. Barry's post in parts needed for our fire truck was marked as the answer   
    Joe, I checked all my sources on the bumper extensions and cannot find anything available to purchase. The part numbers are:
    3QL4351 and 3QL4352 (or 3QL4332)
    Best bet is to see if a BMT member happens to have some used parts sitting around.
  3. Barry's post in Membership? was marked as the answer   
    I validated him...see if he can log in now.
  4. Barry's post in Membership payment question? was marked as the answer   
    Yes...you can mail a check or money order to us at:
    Watt's Truck Center
    c/o BMT VIP Membership
    Po Box 707
    New Alexandria, PA 15670
    Attn: Barry
    When we receive the donation, I will manually upgrade your account to VIP Status!
    We can also process a credit card over the phone...Toll free: 1-888-304-6225
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