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Everything posted by 7mg2

  1. Hmmm...........I'll have to check that out, thanks
  2. GreenGiant2..........not recording all miles screws with fuel mileage.........the only benefit comes when calculating ton mile, which is rare with IFTA. gearhead204....... a new sensor helped the speedo, but didn't eliminate the problem. It now wakes up at 20 kph instead of 50. The CoPilot is a plg 'n' play, so it's likely a dead display. Not sure if it can be repaired, but Mack will likely either not have one 'cos of the age of the truck, or want an arm and a leg for a new one. I'm on the hunt for a good used one.
  3. New here, not new to forums, or trucking though. My 1997 CH 613 I've had from new, and it now has 2 million miles on it. I have a speedo that will not register until up to about 50kph ( 30 mph) which is annoying and also creates and "electrical malfunction" from time to time. As I use odometer readings for IFTA fuel tax reporting, the inaccuracy of the odo is also costing me money. The above electrical issue with the speedo wouldn't be such an issue if the "Co-Pilot" display hadn't also quit ( some time before the speedo issues ) This started with the display going dark periodically, but revive able with a smart "whack" of the hand. Sometimes it would just flicker and then stay lit, but one day it just went dark and stayed that way. If anyone has any ideas about what the reasons for these issues might be, and have a way to fix them, I'd appreciate some feedback.
  4. New here, not new to forums, or trucking though. My 1997 CH 613 I've had from new, and it now has 2 million miles on it. It has been a fantastic truck, with the motor only having been in framed 200,000 miles ago. Despite my efforts to keep this truck in "as new" shape over the years, electrical gremlins are now rearing their ugly heads. I have a speedo that will not register until up to about 50kph ( 30 mph) which is annoying and also creates and "electrical malfunction" from time to time. As I use odometer readings for IFTA fuel tax reporting, the inaccuracy of the odo is also costing me money. The above electrical issue with the speedo wouldn't be such an issue if the "Co-Pilot" display hadn't also quit ( some time before the speedo issues ) This started with the display going dark periodically, but revive able with a smart "whack" of the hand. Sometimes it would just flicker and then stay lit, but one day it just went dark and stayed that way. If anyone has any ideas about what the reasons for these issues might be, and have a way to fix them, I'd appreciate some feedback. I don't know what the position on cross posting to other forums is, but perhaps I should also post this in the electrical forum.
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