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Everything posted by Squid

  1. HAHA. Thanks, I should have seen that coming... Got an extra parking spot or two?
  2. Unfortunately, I can't answer your question, but I can say that I would love to have an LT instead of my B.
  3. eBay might be the best bet, I've paid between $30 and $40 for elbows recently, seems that's about what they go for. Price a 4" splitter T from Mack just for kicks...
  4. Is that a CAT+ key? I thought of doing something similar for mine, when I get around to working on it.
  5. The closest I think you'll be able to come to a 10 lug "light duty" axle would be either a 3500HD GM truck, or an older (pre-97) F-Superduty Chassis. I'm not sure what the GMs came with for a rear, but the Fords had a Dana 80, 10 lug, with disc brakes and either a 4.63 or 5.13 gear ratio. Of course, both of these trucks will have a smaller 10 lug pattern than a typical semi wheel, but the size would be about right to put under a 3/4 ton without too much effort. Going to a larger truck (F650 or C60 size) might get you the right bolt pattern, but I feel the axle would be too large for your application.
  6. On the bright side, it's only a Midliner, so it's not as hard to look at.
  7. I was trying to get my B-61 started the other day, it was kinda cold so I used a little ether like I normally do. Cranked fine, popped off, but not quite enough to start. Tried to crank it again with a little more spray, and nothing. I may have given it a little too much ether the second time around, but even after letting it sit, still nothing. It sounds like the parallel switch is clunking loud, and it's hard to tell if the starter is even trying to turn. Another way to describe it is like a starter engaging a stuck flywheel. I thought I locked the motor up, but I can bar the engine over both ways so that's not the case. I am suspecting the starter, but not really sure I want to condemn it yet. The truck sits a lot, I only try to start it maybe every couple months. Any suggestions? I have not checked battery voltage, I'm only running 2- 12volts, but that's been enough to start it in the past. This time it sounds different than when my batteries were low. I also know that some of the battery cables are questionable, but all the connections seem relatively tight, enough to where I should get something out of the starter. I don't know that much about the 12/24 volt system, and I'm thinking about updating to a 12V starting system, and eliminate the positive ground. I might just remove everything and start fresh? Thanks, Adam
  8. Hey, I was wondering if any of you guys had pictures of the bottom of a decent B cab? I've got to do some reconstruction on mine, and was just looking for some guidelines to go from, specifically the back corner where they all seem to rust. Any pics, or links would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  9. Yeah, the trailer tires are up to 80, max. The way my ramps are configured, it makes it difficult to put anything too far back, but I might have to get creative in this case. I won't move it if I don't trust it, I can probably get a lowboy if I have to, but I'm trying to avoid that situation. I'll give it a shot backwards, and go from there.
  10. Well, I tried loading it today, and it physically fit on the trailer, but I couldnt load it backwards like I wanted to. As soon as the tandems started climbing the ramp, I lost traction. I was able to put it on forward, but that was WAY too much weight on the pickup, so I'll try backwards again here in a few days, this time with a little help from a machine. My goal is to put most of the weight over the trailer axles, and as much as i have to, but as little as possible on the truck.
  11. Thanks for the input, guys. I may just load it and see what it looks like. My trailer is a 25' gooseneck with 2- 7000# axles, and a total GVW of 15,XXX, so I should be pretty close. The 12K mark was about what I was guessing, but I've been surprised by things like this before.
  12. It's hard to tell from the angle, is that a single wheel trailer, or duals? My trailer is only a single wheel, so weight is pretty critical
  13. I'm wondering if anyone has a fairly accurate estimate of what an empty B61LST would weigh? The tractor is a single frame, camelback tandem, aluminum tank, no front brakes. It's pretty light as far as a tractor goes, but I need to get a weight to find how heavy of a trailer I need to move it. The obvious solution would be to go to the scale, but that may prove to be difficult for me, given the truck's current condition. Thanks.
  14. Thanks, I'll check that out.
  15. It's a truck at work 2001 CL-713, the lights in the center of the dash work (valves and switches), but not the main gauge cluster. All gauges work properly otherwise. The fuses/CBs/bulbs are good. I'm just wondering if anyone has run into this before, or if it's time to start tracing the white wires? -Adam
  16. It was listed a few months ago, and I remember drooling over it all. Hopefully they realize what they have, and wait it out for the right buyer.
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