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Everything posted by MariStar

  1. Update! This time, one of the ceramic rollers broke off. The first time we had to replace the lifters and cam, we had the work done at a Bruckner's Mack dealership in Dallas. It took over a month-and-a-half and the work only lasted a couple of months before one of the new Mack screws broke due to being over-tightened-we think.... We took it to our own mechanic the second time due to we didn't want our truck to be out of service another 2 months, and the dealership refused to take any blame for parts or labor. We filled out tons of paperwork and they would not warranty any of the parts even though we returned the parts to them. The rollers that time actually twisted sideways and gouged the cam. This time it seems that the ceramic roller broke, the lifter did not twist and made barely a tiny scuff on the cam that we may be able to have the machine shop buff/polish (interested in your thoughts on this?) We are however going to replace ALL of the lifters. MackPro68 thank you for the service bulletins I am going to make sure my mechanic has a copy!
  2. Yes, I have had them all replaced, and am having them replaced AGAIN and a 3rd new cam. This is just crazy, not even getting 100,000 miles out of them. I'm wondering now if its a problem with parts or labor or user error.
  3. Wow Alex, that is good to know. It also happened 2 times on my buddy's truck. So are you saying that the lifters that were original to the truck came from a bad batch or the replacement lifters?
  4. Don't ever use a Jake brake.
  5. I have a 2003 Mack RD6, and am having the lifter and cam replaced for the 3rd time in 2 years. Has anyone experienced the same issues? What is causing this? We have regular PMs done. Any input is greatly appreciated!
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