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About Brandonducherer

  • Birthday 02/29/1984


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  1. Hey guys, Everything switched over, the head lights stay on all the time but that is no biggie, she starts and runs good, evrything works just need to run a few more airlines. Can anyone tell me where where to run the air lines from the yellow button to get the brakes to release? Thanks!
  2. Thanks @GreenGaint2, I was wondering if that was an option. I'll put the 2 side by side and check them out.
  3. Hey guys, need your help with this project. I have a 1996 CL713 which the cab is rusted right out and the doors wont close right. I have taken it off and bought a 2001 cab CL713 cab in great shape which was hooked to the exact same motor. Now, the plugs on the 01 are round, the old cab are square. I have all the wiring harness's for the lights and everything, just missing the engine harness which is $2000 from mack and Im not even sure if that'll get me going?? Am I better off getting a 1996 Cab so I can just plug and go? Or use a new wiring harness if even possible? p/n# 42MR5397CM. What have I done??
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