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  1. 2011 Pinnacle with MP8 505hp. We have had nothing but problem after problem with this truck since we bought it 7 months ago. $9,000 in just repairs and it's only got 350k miles. About a month ago I was driving it and out of no where it stopped building boost. I could hear the turbo spooling and a good amount of air pressure was coming out the air cleaner for some reason. I got back on the road trying to make it home and after a few minutes the motor started cutting out like it wasn't getting fuel for about 20 seconds then it all cleared up and started running perfect and back to building 40psi of boost like always. So we serviced it and it did great for about 3 days then done it again but it took a lot longer for it to straighten up and run good. We took it to M&k Mack dealer and they replaced the injectors. When I got the truck back I noticed it didn't have the power like it did before and it would only build 30psi of boost. It ran good just not as powerful for a few days then started acting up again but it's different symptoms this time. Sometimes it will run ok and out of nowhere it will start building boost really slow and will only build 15psi. Obviously it has hardly no power and the def gauge will go from empty to full just back and forth a few times and the exhaust temps will go really high like 800-900 degrees, I can hear a whistle but can find any boost leaks, and engine brake stops working or it will barely work and sound funny. It won't clear up and run right until I shut the truck off and let it sit for a while. I don't know what to do and the dealership acts like they can't find the problem. Please help!!!!
  2. It shocked me because It done it with or without the trailer hooked up. These new trucks are nuts lol
  3. I appreciate the advice guys. I found the problem. Believe it or not, the problem was the bundle of wires that go from the firewall under the cab to the back of the cab into the female plug for the trailer pigtail. Someone had spliced it and it was dirty and wires touching.
  4. We are a small company only running 2 trucks and we've spent tons of money on our 2011 mack. We've only had it for 6 months and it's been back to the dealership 5 times because of problems with the dpf system. We finally got all that straightened out and now a problem with the lights. Everything works fine when the lights are off. When the light switch is turned on the left turn signal indicator on the dash stays on and all the left turn signals stays on. No flashing just bright. We changed the signal switch and no luck. Soon as you turn lights off the indicator goes off and everything works perfectly. Please help. We can't afford to keep taking it back to mack to have it fixed
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