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    Fitzwilliam New Hampshire

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    Old Fire Trucks
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  1. Found a set today Fred Chase had some great man to deal with
  2. Looking for the 2 bottom seats for my 1943 E model type 45 Fire Truck mine are beyond repair any info where they might be found would be helpful. Thanks Greg
  3. Looking for the 2 bottom seats for my 1943 E model type 45 Fire Truck mine are beyond repair any info where they might be found would be helpful. Thanks Greg
  4. Still seems like those lower bolts are holding it in
  5. jim there are 2 bolts on the bottom covered by the fenders it seems like I need to remove the fenders to get them out
  6. So do I have to remove the nose then because I removed the screws and it will not budge
  7. Trying to remove the grill from my E 45 took the 2 screw's out but it will not move any help would be nice
  8. Trying to remove the grill from my E 45 took the 2 screw's out but it will not move any help would be nice
  9. Needs to be painted jim after that I will the way it looks now is in my profile pic
  10. My type 45 pumper is home and the fun has begun what a sweet little truck
  11. 1942 Type 45 Pumper 45 S 1101 Fitzwilliam New Hampshire
  12. Looking for 2 E Model Hub Caps for my type 45 Fire Truck
  13. Awesome looking truck
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