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tjc transport

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About tjc transport


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    Marlboro Mental Hospital

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    staying alive.

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  1. i am thinking dash unit is a tachograph with directional switchbox on top. i only saw one tachograph unit that was sealed like that one. all others were open side to slip the recorder disc into.
  2. how did you guess? and now that i think of it, it was 36 or 37 years ago, i left that company spring of 95 when the owner started treating me like his son in law that left because he was tired of being treated like dog poop on the sole of a shoe.
  3. probably recycled into chinese cars three of for times over by now. i have not seen that rig in close to 35 years. after i left they could not find anyone to drive it because it was an old dinosaur even back then.
  4. 25 years ago i had a union "pit book" the company got big job widening a main line road. two of the machines i ran were a cat 980 and a terex T36 scrapper. union BA came on the job one day and saw me in the 980. told me i could not be in it and called the hall for someone to run it. guy was in the machine 10 minutes and overheated the trans trying to run in third gear, plus locked up the brakes. also complained it did not have air conditioning. took me 15 minutes to put it back to work. next day the BA kicked me off the T36. new guy shows up and the BA tells me i have to show new guy how to run it. i told him to F.O. and everyone walked off the job until the BA left. that was the last day he was allowed near that job. as retribution, a month later he showed up at the sand pit i was running, intending to shut me down foe sending loads to a union site with non union drivers. he had "spies" tailing the trucks......who all went out of state.. when he found out, he left. and got 1/2 mile down the rod before being pulled over for driving while intoxicated and open alcohol containers in the back seat of the company pickup he was driving. i had seen him drinking while i was loading trucks and called the police to let them know. not only did he loose his license, he also lost his job.
  5. boy does that bring back memories!!!. those damn tires were heavy too. i could get in that rig 6am weighing 220 pounds in the summer, and at 6 pm get out weighing 190 after sweating my asterisk off. and the heater in winter was not worth a damn either.
  6. the one i ran was not that old, it had 15 inch air filled tires on it. probably from late 40's early 50's
  7. first low boy i ran was an old Rodgers fixed neck beavertail twin axle with 8 wheels per axle. only ran that one three times when the boss sold it and replaced with a Rodgers 100 ton 10 foot wide 28 foot deck double detachable. that was the one with the 14/24 tires on it. connected to the DM800 with 14/24 tires i weighed a hair over 78,000 pounds EMPTY. with the "S" tags, i was legal for if i remember correctly 220,000 lbs. with the D8K with full "U" blade and full fuel tank i weighed around 218,000 lbs.
  8. if you would stop watching soap operas you might get something done too. 🤣
  9. a new move in somewhere around me thinks this is a hoa area and is trying to form one. so far everyone is telling them to F.O. but whoever it is is giving me a real hard time with the town. reporting me for everything under the sun from operating a solid waste disposal facility, operating a recycling facility, operating an illegal automotive repair facility, abandoned vehicles, blah blah, blah. the last time one of the town inspectors was here due to another complaint me neighbors just happened to be here. they told the to town code enforcement inspector to tell the complainer to F.O. and leave me alone. and move back to wherever they came from.
  10. in my opinion the 65-66 cyclone was the sexiest
  11. you need to be close range for a shotgun Joe. large caliber high power rifle you can be far enough away that the slug will hit before you hear the noise.
  12. that is why god created large caliber high power rifles.
  13. well, ya cant open something that does not show up on your screen. never saw that pic. i wonder if that yard jockey truck was built for right hand drive countrys?
  14. in what photo? the only one i see is the new ottowa with the rv and sheds in the background
  15. fixed it fer ya!!!
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